Camera Zones
Arena Timing

What is the only true "invisible" adjustment?

Using or removing horseshoes


How many types of camera zoning are in the PDM?

3. Directional Zones, Gait Zones, and Circle Zones.


Both riders are trotting. From the rider's view (yellow horse) are they in correct comb arena timing with their partner?

Yes, the arena timing is correct.


Which lines would the riders land on when performing a waterfall at C?

The normal tier lines for centerline.

Should riders use any adjustment whenever they need to?

No. Certain adjustments should not be used after "pre", during waterfalls, and during L-corners, to name a few.


Where is it the "safest" (least noticable from overhead) to change your gait?

Near the center of the arena.


True or False? Only the leads need to maintain arena timing.

FALSE. Any time the line is split, we are in a tier formation or comb, OR we are in a circle, everyone should be thinking about arena timing to some degree.


Define the term "recovery".

Recovery is the rider's ability to independently fix mistakes smoothly and calmly without drawing attention to said mistake.


Should riders adjust to someone that is lagging?

No. If your lead is lagging, do your best to match the majority of the rider line and/or ignore the lag as best you can. Do not slow down or halt.


True or False? Most of the arena is a low sensitivity zone for directional changes.

False. The high sensitivity zone for directional changes covers almost the whole arena, reaching to 30m A and C, and about 15m B and E


Two riders are trying to maintain arena timing. One rider is behind and one is too far ahead. Which rider should adjust?

It is always easier for the person who is behind to catch up, especially when there are riders behind the leads. In certain cases, the rider ahead may slow. 


How many chapters are in the PDM?



How many types of adjustments are currently listed in the PDM?

4. Mini steps and gait hops, pivots, horseshoes, and wiggling.


Where is it the "safest" (least noticible from overhead) to adjust your circle size?

5 meters or farther from X


There are two rider lines, cantering. They are riding from K and H, diagonally toward X. On the commander's screen, riders will pass over X one by one, alternating from one line to the other, not clipping through each other. What will the cross over X look like from the rider's perspective?

Riders should pass directly through their partner from the other line.


Recite the arena letters acronym.

All King Victor's Expensive Show Horses Can Manage Really Big Plastic Fences

Explain the "unknown factor" and why riders can use it to their advantage.

The unknown factor is the fact that the judges and audience do not know what the moves or routine is supposed to look like. Riders can use this to their advantage, if they make a mistake and use recovery, there is a chance no one will notice.


What is the perimeter of the low sensitivity zone for gait changes in meters?

120 meters


The lines are trotting. From the rider's view (1) will they merge successfully into a tight tier with rider (2)?

No, in this scenario, rider 1 should already see themselves turning onto the tight tier line.


What is Legacy Team's one Rule of Thumb when it comes to making adjustments?

Make sure that the adjustment is as minimally visible as possible.