Software and Hardware
JavaScript Syntax
Mini Innovation Project Requirements + Flowcharts

A set of instructions, data, or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks.

(Bonus for 10 points: the physical aspects of a computer)

What is software?

Bonus: what is hardware?


These are the three keywords for creating variables in JS.

(Bonus for 25 points: all programming statements end with this in JS)

What are "var", "const", and "let"?

Bonus: What is a semicolon?


These are the 4 essential components of ALL computers.

What are input, output, processing, and storage?


Utilizing these two THINGS within your project is required. These two THINGS should be connected and able to communicate with each other.

What are app lab (or a user interface) and the circuit playground device?

PROJECT GOAL: Interface software with hardware


The portion of a computer that retrieves and executes instructions, also referred to as the processor.

What is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?


This is the syntax for declaring a function in JS.

(Bonus: This is the syntax for calling a function in JS.)

What is "function myFunctionName (parameters) {

//place function code here


Bonus: Example - "myFunctionName(argument);"

*NOTE: Quickly highlight the syntax for conditional statements*


This is the difference between roll and pitch.

What is rotation about the transverse axis vs. the longitudinal axis?


These are common colors used in flowchart design indicate the start and stop of a process or flow.

What are green and red?


The main circuit board inside a computer that connects the different parts of a computer together.

What is the motherboard?


These are the steps you should take when you're either unsure of:

a) how to write something in a specific programming language

b) whether something exists in the language, or

c) how to use and apply a built-in function.

What is "googling" it? 

What is reviewing documentation? 

What is referencing resource websites? (i.e. w3schools, geeksforgeeks,, etc.)


This is an example of how to write a for loop in JS.

(Bonus for 150: this is an example of how to iterate through an array using a for loop in JS)


Comments and clean coding strategies are required for this project. This is an example of how to write comments in JS and follow clean coding strategies.

What are "//" and "/* */"?

Also, what are naming conventions, indentation, whitespace, etc. as fact checked by Ms. Dunlap and the class? :)


Software that manages a computer's resources, especially the allocation of those resources among other programs.

What is the operating system?


These are the parameters for an onEvent() function in App Lab.

[Bonus for 200 points: these are the parameters for an onBoardEvent() function in App Lab]

What are "id", "type", and "callback"?

Bonus: What are "component", "event", and "callback"?


These are the names of all of the students in this class + one bonus fact about them.

What is the correct answer, based on fact checking from Ms. Dunlap and the class? :)


This is the meaning behind the following in flowchart design:

1) an oval, 2) a rectangle, 3) a diamond, and 4) arrows

1) What is an end or beginning while creating a flowchart?

2) What are basic tasks or actions in your process?

3) What is a decision?

4) What is a guide for the viewer along their flowcharting path?


(Two question category)

1) Any continuously changing signal that is not restricted to finite set of values. An example of this are the wave forms of spoken words.

2) Data or signals represented by a finite number of values.

What is analog data? What is digital data?


These are a list of all the comparison and logic operators in JavaScript. 

(Bonus for 200 points: These are the differences between "=", "==", and "===".)

What are the items on the list of Ms. Dunlap's screenshot?

(Bonus: What is an assignment operator, vs. an equality operator, vs. a strict equality operator?)

These are all of the sensors available on the Circuit Playground Expresses.

What are the following?

  • 1 x Motion sensor (LIS3DH triple-axis accelerometer with tap detection, free-fall detection)
  • 1 x Temperature sensor (thermistor)
  • 1 x Light sensor (phototransistor). Can also act as a color sensor and pulse sensor.
  • 1 x Sound sensor (MEMS microphone)
  • Infrared receiver and transmitter - can receive and transmit any remote control codes, as well as send messages between Circuit Playground Expresses. Can also act as a proximity sensor

1) The expectation for a baseline number of unique functions with parameters your project should include. This is the number of how many you should have at a minimum.

2) This is the expectation for the use of arrays and for loops.

1) What is 4?

2) What is having at least one array used in your program, and a for loop iterating over the array accessing each element?