What is one way to prevent heat exhaustion?

A: wear long sleeve shirts

B: Run during cooler times of the day

C: Drinking ice cold water after running

B: Run during cooler times of the day


Raising your heart rate to 75% of maximum heart rate is an example of:

A: Type
B: Time:
C: Frequency
D: Intensity

D: Intensity


What is the most effective tool for setting fitness goals and measuring intensity during interval running?

A: Tape measure

B: Step tracker

C: Stop watch

D: Heart rate monitor

D: Heart rate monitor


What is a danger of running in the sun?

A: Heat Exhaustion  (fatigue, dizziness and nausea)

Other answers: sunburn, heatstroke


What does cardiorespiratory endurance help with?

Heart and lungs

Note: Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability to keep the heart and breathing rates high for a long time. Endurance is built over time with exercises that specifically raise the heart and breathing rates.


True or False:
HIIT interval training focuses on building muscular endurance.



True or False:

The correct sprinting technique to maintain speed during a sprint:

The hip joint is flexed and the forward foot is raised high


Note: A sprint is when you run at your top speed for a short amount of time.

  • At the start of a race, sprinters lean forward to help increase horizontal force. As they run, they gradually become almost upright. They still lean forward slightly at about a 5-degree angle at their most upright position.

  • When almost upright, sprinters focus on having their feet land close to their center of gravity (just in front of their hips), so that they don't waste any of the energy that moves them forward.

  • Sprinters try to minimize any factors that can slow them down, like keeping their feet on the track for too long. This is why sprinters run primarily on the balls of their feet. Their heels barely make contact with the ground, if at all.


Riley plans to start a four-week interval training program focused on running. She feels prepared to enhance her fitness with intense exercise. How can she incorporate the Overload Principle into her running regimen?


A: Add two intervals of walking for as long as possible.

B: Add two additional active recovery intervals.

C: Include two 30-second intervals of sprints.

D: Incorporate two intervals of moderate-paced running.

C: Include two 30-second intervals of sprints.

Note: Overload Principle: increasing frequency, intensity, or time of a workout in order to see improvements in endurance, strength, or muscle size


What safety precautions should you keep in mind when going hiking? (3 correct answers)

  • Head back when you've used up half of your water supply.

  • Have clean gear free from dirt

  • Carry a paper map and be familiar with your route.

  • Wear eye protection like goggles

  • Keep your phone handy at all times

  • Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions.

What safety precautions should you keep in mind when going hiking? (3 correct answers)

  • Head back when you've used up half of your water supply.

  • Carry a paper map and be familiar with your route.

  • Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions.


True or False: Landing on the heels of the foot to absorb force and springing the knee up high is the safest and most efficient foot position for sprinting.


Note: Landing on the balls of the foot to absorb force and keep moving forward.