According to many studies, what fruit has been proven to help cleanse your liver?
Jackfruit, Grapefruit, or Dragonfruit?
According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, what percent less likely are you to develop skin cancer if you regularly wear sunscreen?
Why should you not take someone else's medication?
There is no way of knowing the correct dosage and safety for you.
According to Organ Donor, how many people are on the National Organ Donor waiting list?
More than 100,000
According to Healthline and what type of peppers contain high amounts of Vitamin C?
Red Peppers!!!
According to the NIH and NINDS, smoking can help prevent what disease?
Parkinson's Disease
According to the DEA, what percent of fake pills that contain amounts of fentanyl contain a lethal dose?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, What percent more likely are you to reduce risk of death by wearing a seatbelt?
According to Organ Donor, how many lives can Organ donors save?
What major fast food brand has the most unhealthy burger according to PlushCare?
Five Guys, Whataburger, or Sonic?
According to the FDA, smoking can increase your risk to get what diseases in your lungs?
Emphysema,Lung Cancer, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
According to Mayo Clinic, what are some possible side effects of using steroids to build muscle?
Acne,Hair Loss, Low HDL, High LDL,Anger Issues,HIV,Depression,Heart and Blood Flow Complications, and MANY MANY MANY MORE.
According to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, What kind of injury is the leading cause of death for kids?
Preventable Injuries
According to Healthline Gatorade should not be drunk by people who don't work out at least 5 days a week for more than an hour.
True or False?
According to Mayo Clinic and the British Heart Foundation, what foods are known to cause Diabetes?
Sugary Drinks, White Bread, Sugary Cereal and Processed Red Meat like Salami.
According to the NIAAA, how many times more likely are youth who start drinking under 15 to become dependent on alcohol?
4-6 times more likely
According to NHTSA, what percent more likely are drivers with a BAC of .15 instead of 0 to get into a crash?
At least 12 times more likely
According to Organ Donor, how many Organ transplants were performed in 2023?
According to USDA.Gov why is it important to buy organic foods?
What foods increase your risk of having a stroke?
Foods high in sugar and salt
According to Harbor Wellness Center, How much money does addictions to drugs and alcohol cost the USA per year?
According to Best Online Traffic School, how many people /3 will get into a drunk driving accident in their lives?
According to the Gift of Life Donor Program, how many years do donors wait to get a kidney?
5 years