Around the World
Earth Day
United Nations
Historical Activists
This Decade

Where the Treaty of Versailles, which formally ended World War I, was signed. 

What is France?


The month in which Earth Day is celebrated.

What is April?


The award given by the United Nations for the following categories: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, and economics. Notable winners include Marie Curie and Albert Einstein.

What is the Nobel Prize?


Writer of the "I Have a Dream" Speech, calling for the end of racism. 

Who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?


The month U.S. elections are held in.

What is November?


Planning to be fossil fuel-free by 2045, this country is known for its commitment to sustainability as well as for its meatballs.

What is Sweden?

Swedish environmental activist who began taking action against climate change at the age of 15.

Who is Greta Thunberg?


The U.S. president that coined the name "United Nations", whose initials closely resemble those of a member of NDA's faculty.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)?


Jane Addams was a 19th-century social activist and author, primarily known for her work advocating for this widely debated topic at the time.

What is women's suffrage?


The official date of World Peace Day, also the date mentioned in Earth, Wind & Fire's "September"

When is September 21st?


Located in the northwest of Europe, this country is considered to be the most peaceful in the world, experiencing the lowest crime rates globally.

What is Iceland?


The most polluted cities in the U.S. can be found in this west coast state.

What is California?
The east coast American city that houses the headquarters of the UN, also known as the Big Apple.

What is New York City?


Sacheen Littlefeather represented Marlon Brando at this highly viewed awards show, helping the actor in his protest against Hollywood's portrayal of Native Americans as well as calling attention to the Standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

What is the Oscars?


These two movements gained a recent resurgence, advocating for the rights of their respective racial minorities following a rise in hate crimes in 2020. The names of both movements have three words.

What are Black Lives Matter and Stop AAPI Hate?


The oldest known peace treaty, the Kadesh Peace Treaty, was signed in this Middle Eastern/North African country.

What is Egypt?


A type of pollution that is usually invisible -- except for when you can see smoke and exhaust in the sky.

What is air pollution?


The first word in the UN's mission statement: "_______, dignity and equality on a healthy planet". Also found in the name of this club.

What is peace?


This Pakistani advocate for universal female education became the youngest Nobel Prize laureate in history at the age of 17.

Who is Malala Yousafzai?


The skill necessary to understand and analyze media as a way to inform and develop one's own opinions. This is especially necessary in an age of technology and misinformation. 

What is media literacy?

Sharing its border with Sweden, the Northern European country in which the most Nobel Peace Prizes have been awarded.

What is Norway?


This Danish-speaking country sets greenhouse gas reduction as a national priority and is considered to be the most eco-friendly country in the world.

What is Denmark?


Despite their tense relationship with the United States after WWII, this European powerhouse was one of the founding members of the UN.

What is the Soviet Union/U.S.S.R./Russia?


During the LGBT Rights Movement in the 1960s, Harvey Milk unveiled this flag, a symbol of gay pride, which was designed and stitched by Gilbert Baker.

What is the rainbow flag?


The "C" in DACA (Deferred Action for _______ Arrivals) stands for this word that characterizes the age of six percent of immigrants in America, many of which are students.

What is childhood/children?