History and Culture of China (1)
History and Culture of China (2)
China Today (1)
China Today (2)

Why was the Great Wall of China built?

To protect China from invaders (from the north). 


What material is used as a canvas in traditional Chinese painting?

Silk or fine paper 


People can choose their careers in which type of economy: market or command?


People cannot choose their careers in a command economy. Also in a command economy: the government owns all businesses and decides what business make and sell (people cannot decide what to make and sell). 

How is China able to produce so much food? 

More than half of all Chinese workers are farmers. 


Which part of China is more suitable for farming, has more factories, and is where most of the population lives?

The eastern part of the country. 


What was something the Chinese government did to limit population growth? 

Create a one-child policy. The policy caused population growth to slow. 


Three things mentioned in the article as a result of China's failed command economy. 

- government closed many state-run factories 

- allowed foreign business people to own foreign companies 

- the government started to allow privately owned business 


What was the reason for the protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989?

Chinese citizens were demanding more political freedoms. 


What event happened immediately after rebels forced out China's last emperor in 1911?

A republic was established. 


Once the communist government was established, did the government forbid women from working?

No, they did NOT forbid women from working (i.e., they allowed women to work).

Also, the new communist government:
- took complete control of the economy

- the government turned private farms into state-run farms 

- the government took control of businesses and factories 

In what region did the Chinese government crush a rebellion in 1959?


After the rebellion, the Chinese government severely restricted the rights of Tibetans. 

Which city is China's political and cultural center?

Beijing (also known as Peking) 


Which dynasty was the first to unite China under one empire?

The Qin Dynasty 


Name the four events that caused the transition from China's rule by an emperor to a communist republic. 

1. The Communists and the Nationalists fought a civil war. 

2. The Nationalists lost (went to Taiwan), the Communists won and the People's Republic of China was established.

3. The Government limited people's freedom 

4. The economy grew rapidly under Deng Xiaoping's leadership.  


What has been the response among some countries to China's poor human rights record?

Some countries have limited/stopped trade with China. 

Hong Kong was a __________ colony, while Macao was a _______________ colony. 

British, Portuguese. 


What was the name of the leader of the Nationalists in the Chinese Civil War?

Chiang Kai-shek. 


What was the main event that caused China to become a communist republic?

There was a civil war between the Nationalists and the Communists and the Communists won. 


What has been the effect of China's rapid economic and urban growth on the environment?

China's air and water has become severely polluted. 

Name three negative results of China's Three Gorges Dam. 

- It covers a large amount of land that was once farmland

- Millions of people have had to move 

- The dam has damaged plant and animal habitats