What did Cain do in Genesis 4?
Killed his brother.
How long were Noah and his family on the ark?
one year
When people say God will understand that I want to worship my own way, how does that compare to what God told Noah? What if Noah had built the ark "his own way"?
various answers, but answer should include how it makes God angry when we disobey him. He likely would not have allowed Noah and his family on the ark if they had disobeyed.
Who is "the mother of all living"?
What did Noah do after the flood?
Built an altar
What would have caused sea levels to drastically drop, creating land bridges and allowing people to move more freely around the world.
The ice age
What might it have been like to spend a year on the ark?
various answers
When Adam and Eve committed sin, it lead to deception and _____.
hint -100 pts
death (hint Genesis 3)
What lead to different languages?
When God came down and confused their language during the building of the tower of Babel.
For what does Genesis 2:24 give us a foundation?
can use bibles
How could people have lived as long as they did in the Bible?
various answers, but something to the effect of how they were closer to the original perfect creation
In Genesis 7:11, we are told that the flood not only contained rain, but also the "____ of the great_____."
fountains of the great deep
Where did people build the city and tower "whose top is to the heavens"?
God set a rainbow in the cloud as a sign of the covenant between ___ and ____.
God and Earth
In addition to Genesis 4:8 (when Cain killed his brother), can you think of 2 more examples (from the Bible) where a person choosing to disobey God's will caused pain and suffering?
Genesis 8:21 states, "the imagination of man's heart is evil from his ___."
How are fossil graveyards explained by the flood?
Bones from a variety of creatures were swept and deposited, and in many cases formed graded bone beds (give credit for a similar answer)