Reading Vocabulary
Parts of Speech
Grammatical Errors

A 5-6 sentence body of text. Can be an introduction, body, or conclusion

What is a paragraph?


Fill in the missing letters to finish this word:

D_ ST_ _ AT _ _ N

Definition: the place designated as the end, as of a race or journey

What is destination?


In Unit 1, we studied about real-life topics. Which genre of literature has real-life stories?

What is non-fiction?


A person, place or thing. 

What is a noun?


Identify the type of error in this sentence: 

"the cat pounced on its prey."

The first word is not capitalized. 


Sentence at the end of the introduction paragraph; makes a claim that shows what the rest of the essay will be about

What is a thesis statement?


Fill in the missing letters to finish the word:

F_ _ GR _ _ C E

Definition: a pleasingly sweet smell

What is fragrance?

Journalists who write this type of work see events happen in real-life in front of them and document their observations. 

What is a news report or investigative journalism?


An action word

What is a verb?

Identify the error in the following sentence: 

"Did I tell you that you were dismissed from class."

The sentence should end with a question mark. 


The first sentence in a body paragraph

What is a topic sentence?


Fill in the missing letters to finish the word: 

I _ L _ M _ _ A _ T _

Definition: to make lighter or brighter

What is illuminate?


This genre is composed of made up/imaginary stories. 

What is fiction?

Word that describes a noun. 

What is an adjective?


Identify the 2 grammatical errors in the following sentence, and fix them. 

"Mine playful cat likes to chase mouses in the garden."

"Mine" should be changed to "My"

"mouses" should be changed to "mice"


Which part of an essay answers the prompt. 

What is the thesis statement?


Fill in the missing letters to complete the word:


Definition: enduring strength and energy

What is stamina?


This genre is a form of speculative fiction that offers a vision of the future. They are societies in cataclysmic decline, with characters who battle environmental ruin, technological control, and government oppression.

What is dystopian fiction?


In the quiet, moonlit garden, the delicate, fragrant roses swayed gently in the cool breeze, casting ethereal shadows across the dew-kissed petals. 

Identify 5 adjectives. 

Answers might include: 

quiet, moonlit, delicate, fragrant, cool, ethereal, or dew-kissed


Identify the word that is misspelled in the following sentence:
"As the sun set over the horizon, the birds chirped melodically and the gentle breaze swayed the tall grasses, creating a serene atmosphere of peace and tranquility."

Breaze should be breeze


The study of words, how they are used in sentences, and how they change in different situations.

What is grammar?


Fill in the missing letters to complete the word:

OM_N_ _S

Defintion: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

What is ominous?


This type of essay is written in response to a piece of literature. 

What is a literary response essay?


Identify 3 nouns, the proper noun and the pronoun in this sentence: (They all must be different)

"Wow! That sunset is absolutely breathtaking," exclaimed Sarah, as she gazed in awe at the vibrant hues painting the evening sky.

Nouns: sunset, awe, hues, sky

Proper noun: Sarah

Pronoun: she


Identify the 2 grammatical errors in the following sentence: 

"Beneath the twinkling stars, the ancient oak tree's branches sways gently in the breeze, whispering secrets of the night to the curious critters that roams the forest floor."

"sways" should be "sway"

"roams" should be "roam"