what is this movie?
what is this game?
who is the movie actor / actress?
who is the superhero?

A man that works at a big medieval theme park and comes to participating in a competition called castle world.

black knight 


 a fun game where you able to have fun with your friends explore the world and different games with friends.



a female actor that was born in California and has performed in many movies but is particularly famous for a popular tv show that was produced in 1994 with a group of friends that had an unbreakable bond.

Jennifer Anniston


fastest man alive

the Flash


this city is both the capital of Japan and one of the most popular cities in the world. 



one day a group of kids get to do whatever they want for a full day due to the time they can only do limited things depending on the parents answer

YES day 


a game that is open but has many lanes that have vehicles constantly moving rapidly and rivers where it is not safe or stable, one wrong step and game over. 

crossy road 


this actor starred as a fictional investigator who referred himself as a "consulting detective".

Robert Downey jr


in brightest day, in darkest night no evil shall escape my sight! let those who worship evils might beware my power...

Green Lantern


the British author who wrote the book Harry Potter. 

J.K Rowling


a group of 3 go on a difficult adventure where they are faced with many obstacles and other challenges on the way, but they all want the same thing in the end.

puss in boots (the last wish)


an open world game about a man that has no time on his hands as he travels various countries to explore different cultures beliefs or myths.



an intelligent actor who has been in many movies, one of his best movies being where he works alone one night to soon find out that he is not alone as there are many other figures moving around

Ben Stiller


he steals from the rich and gives the needy

robin hood


this chemical element has the symbol "o" and is essential for human respiration



this movie is where the future has become reality where everyone competes for themselves meeting many new people, games and challenges throughout time, but then coming together in the end to defeat the final boss and find the last key.

ready player one 


a mysterious game where you can take on many different clothes, props and outfits you have limited time to do as many of the task that you can otherwise you will fly into darkness.

among us 


casted in a movie where he becomes a substitute teacher for a bunch of students who is not interested in school until he introduces them to a bunch of instruments.   

Jack Black 


comes in many different forms shapes and sizes and is a team leader.

Mr. Fantastic


This ancient civilization, known for its impressive pyramids and hieroglyphic writing, flourished along the Nile River for thousands of years.

ancient egypt


a secret person who works for a secret operation he is hard to identify and hard to catch he keeps a low profile, but because of one death he went out to get revenge 

the Beekeeper 


a game where it can make you feel like you're always lost but someone or something is watching there are many attackers that can show at any time be careful on what path you adventure and trust your instincts.

five nights at freddy


a great actor that has been casted in many movies makes an appearance in the show friends and can make anyone's voice suit his own

Robin Williams


has the ability to grow shrink or even become miniature his name is Cleary defined on who he is.

the Atom


This 1939 film, based on the novel by L. Frank Baum, features the famous line "There's no place like home."

The Wizard of Oz