Assessment Types
Practice Math Questions
Practice Science Questions
Practice Health Questions

The ability of children to think of themselves or objects in relation to the people and objects around them.

Spatial awareness


Assessments used to understand learning while you teach and allows you to make adjustments to your teaching.

Formative assessment.


An understanding of which of the following mathematical concepts is most helpful when working with probabilities? 

A. place value 

B. divisibility rules 

C. factors and multiples 

D. ratios and proportions

D. ratios and proportions


A second-grade class is beginning a unit on weather. Which of the following activities associated with this unit would be most effective for helping the students develop an understanding of the foundations of scientific inquiry? 

A. The students watch a regular weather report and discuss how meteorologists make predictions. 

B. The teacher demonstrates how water vapor condenses on the outside of a glass of ice water when it is humid. 

C. Student teams research historic weather events and make class presentations of their findings. 

D. The teacher sets up a simple weather station and has the class keep regular rainfall and temperature records.

D. The teacher sets up a simple weather station and has the class keep regular rainfall and temperature records.


As part of a school program encouraging recycling, a second-grade teacher and her class decide to examine how their lunch and snack choices affect the trash the class generates. The students begin by setting aside all the plastic packaging materials from their lunches. For this grade level, which of the following activities would best help the students recognize the impact of their lunch choices on the plastic waste the class generates? 

A. putting all plastic packaging materials in a recycling bin to see how long it takes to fill 

B. researching the different types of plastic that can be recycled into new products 

C. having students weigh the plastic packaging from their lunches daily for a month 

D. making a poster showing the processes involved in turning recycled plastic into new products 

A. putting all plastic packaging materials in a recycling bin to see how long it takes to fill


The study of data involving processes such as collecting, sorting, representing, analyzing and interpreting information.



Measure of student progress as an assessment of learning.

Summative assessment


A preschool child measures the length of a long rectangular block by lining up several smaller blocks along the length of the longer block. This demonstrates that the child has an understanding of which of the following measurement concepts? 

A. conservation 

B. unit iteration

C. partitioning 

D. transitivity 

B. unit iteration


A third-grade teacher is planning a science unit on human body systems, a topic that has quite a bit of specialized scientific terminology associated with it. In presenting information during the unit, it is most advisable for the teacher to: 

A. avoid scientific terminology whenever possible. 

B. include only those terms that are already familiar to the students. 

C. explain the Latin or Greek roots of the terms as they are used. 

D. use the appropriate scientific terminology.

D. use the appropriate scientific terminology.


Which of the following actions is most effective for reducing the risk of respiratory problems in children due to poor indoor air quality? 

A. replacing older carpets and fabric-covered cushions with newer ones as they become worn 

B. eliminating dust by washing plastic toys with a mild soap solution once a week 

C. using aerosol sprays rather than liquid cleaning products whenever possible 

D. improving ventilation by opening windows and doors for a part of each day

D. improving ventilation by opening windows and doors for a part of each day


Separating numbers into smaller units.



Tests designed to compare an individual to a group of their peers, usually based on national standards and occasionally adjusted for age, ethnicity or other demographics.

Norm-referenced tests


A teacher wants to help students develop their understanding of the relative magnitude of numbers. Which of the following types of mathematics learning materials would be most effective for the teacher to use for this purpose? 

A. number lines 

B. plastic coins 

C. pattern blocks 

D. number cubes 

A. number lines


A fourth-grade teacher wants to integrate the arts into the science curriculum. Which of the following student activities would be most appropriate for this age group? 

A. visiting an art museum to observe how animals are depicted in paintings 

B. collecting different types of leaves for pressing 

C. researching an animal's habitat and creating a diorama

D. writing a short story or poem about a favorite pet 

C. researching an animal's habitat and creating a diorama


A first-grade teacher has assessed students' abilities in various gross-motor movements such as skipping, galloping, and sliding. Some of the students can do some of the movements but not all three. Based on these assessment results, the teacher could best promote the gross-motor development of all students in the class by: 

A. playing a simple game in which students skip, gallop, or slide. 

B. asking students to model skipping, galloping, and sliding movements for those who have trouble. 

C. having students practice skipping skills daily until all students are able to skip. 

D. referring those students who lag behind in skipping skills for further evaluation by a physical therapist.

A. playing a simple game in which students skip, gallop, or slide.


If a = b and b = c, then a = c.



Compare the score of an individual student to a learning standard and performance level, independent of other students around them.

Criterion-referenced assessment


A second-grade teacher is having students work on adding double-digit numbers. The teacher writes a problem on the board, asks students to estimate the answer, and then asks them to explain how they arrived at their answers. As students listen to their peers' explanations, some students are able to revise their answers correctly while others are not. Which of the following follow-up activities would be most appropriate? 

A. working with students in small groups to help students at different ability levels construct their understanding of the concept of addition 

B. providing more challenging problems such as triple-digit numbers addition for students to practice their estimation and reasoning skills 

C. drawing on students' understanding of double-digit numbers addition to introduce other arithmetic concepts involving double-digit numbers 

D. having students take a short test to find out who has grasped the concept and who may need more individual focused instruction 

A. working with students in small groups to help students at different ability levels construct their understanding of the concept of addition


A teacher wants to introduce a kindergarten class to the concept of structure and function in living systems. Which of the following activities would provide the most appropriate introduction to the biological concept of structure and function for this age group? 

A. comparing what different insects look like with how they move

B. measuring pulse rates before and after physical activity 

C. identifying where different animals live and what they eat 

D. contrasting flowers from different types of plants 

A. comparing what different insects look like with how they move


According to the USDA, which of the following is a component of a healthy diet? 

A. consuming a variety of fruit juices as the primary source of fruit in the diet 

B. replacing dairy products with soy-based and other nondairy substitutes 

C. consuming less protein from animal sources and increasing consumption of beans and nuts

D. replacing the majority of red and yellow vegetables with root vegetables such as potatoes 

C. consuming less protein from animal sources and increasing consumption of beans and nuts


Refers to the use of a given unit several times to measure another unit.  Example: Using 1/4 three times to make up 3/4.

Unit iteration. 


Method commonly used to identify the cause of student errors when they make consistent mistakes

Error analysis 


A third-grade teacher is developing a criterion-referenced test for a mathematics 

unit on multiplication. During the unit, students use arrays to solve multiplication problems involving one- and two-digit numbers. To produce a valid criterion referenced test for this unit, the teacher must: 

A. align the test questions with the national mathematics standards for multiplication at the third-grade level. 

B. establish a cut-score that will show which students need remedial work with multiplication tables. 

C. include test questions that allow students to solve multiplication problems using arrays as they did during the unit.

D. provide standardized questions based on the state curriculum so that students' scores can be compared across districts. 

C. include test questions that allow students to solve multiplication problems using arrays as they did during the unit.


A second-grade teacher introduces students to the concept of renewable and nonrenewable resources in a discussion about the environment. A student asks the teacher why water is considered a renewable resource when it disappears after it rains or goes down the drain after a bath. Which of the following facts about water should the teacher cover in order to answer the student's question? 

A. the role of evaporation, condensation, and stream flow in cycling water between the oceans, atmosphere, and land 

B. the properties of aquifers that allow water that falls as precipitation to be stored underground 

C. the importance of sewage treatment plants in turning waste water into clean water that can be returned to streams or used by people 

D. the loss of some water resources for the foreseeable future due to contamination with pollutants

A. the role of evaporation, condensation, and stream flow in cycling water between the oceans, atmosphere, and land


Which of the following activities is more developmentally appropriate for fourth grade students than for first-grade students? 

A. playing team sports that require strategy 

B. engaging in creative movement that focuses on imagery and make-believe 

C. moving rhythmically to music 

D. participating in activities with one or two rules that are reinforced 

A. playing team sports that require strategy