Knowledge is Power!
Knowledge is the Mother of Invention.
Knowledge for Idioms
The Key to Knowledge
Watashi no Power!!

A word characterized by a narrow, often stuck up concern for academic knowledge and formal rules.

What is pedantic?


This inventor is known for the invention of the lightning rod, the iron furnace stove, bifocal glasses, and the odometer.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


This idiom conveys that there is more meaning in showing someone something than to say it.

What is "A picture is worth a thousand words"?


This Windows keyboard shortcut allows you to cut the selected item.

What is Ctrl + X?


The first 5Mb hard drive weighed approximately this much.

What is 2000 pounds?


A word defined as lacking quickness of perception or intellect; characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity; or not distinctly felt. The word starts with an O.

What is obtuse?


This inventor is best known for inventing the telephone.

Who is Alexander Graham Bell?


This idiom refers someone not being able to have everything they want.

What is "You can't have your cake and eat it too."?


This Windows keyboard shortcut allows you to select all in the current field.

What is Ctrl + A?


This was the first personal computer to be offered with a graphical user interface.

What is the Apple Lisa?


A word defined as: One that inflicts retribution or vengeance; A formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent. The word starts with an N.

What is nemesis?


This inventor was an agricultural chemist who invented 300 uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes.

Who is George Washington Carver?


This idiom refers to when something looks good from a distance, but when you look closer, you see the "devilish" problems that can arise.

What is "The devil is in the details"?


This Windows keyboard shortcut allows you to switch between open apps.

What is Alt + Tab?


Before being known as Adobe Photoshop, an early version of the software was called this.

What is ImagePro?


A word defined as: A nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation. The word starts with a T.

What is trepidation?


This person is known for inventing the fluorescent lighting, first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology.

Who is Nikola Tesla?


This idiom references birds while conveying "What you have currently is worth more than what you might have later"

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


This keyboard shortcut will allow you to go back in the file explorer and most browsers.

What is Alt + Left arrow?


This country has the highest percentage of their population online.

What is Iceland?


A word defined as: deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways; deviating from a circular form or path, as in an elliptical orbit; not having the same center. The word starts with an E.

What is eccentric?


This inventor invented the first vehicle powered by a gas engine, as well as the first stationary gasoline engine that powered it.

Who is Carl Benz?


This idiom refers to the need to fix the problem now because it will get worse later in time.

What is "A stitch in time saves nine"? (Will accept "Nip it in the bud")


In Windows, this keyboard shortcut opens the Task Manager.

What is Ctrl + Shift + Esc?


This Microsoft OS was the first of its kind to boot in 30 seconds or less.

What is Windows ME (Millenium)?