failure to thrive
Iron poisoning
Celiac disease

Name one of the classifications to DX failure to thrive

What is

• Inadequate calorie intake 

• Inadequate absorption 

• Increased metabolism 

• Defective utilization


How many hours after ingestion, would you see signs of poisoning? (initial period )

What is 

30 minutes - 6 hours 


What is a classic symptom of celiac disease?

What is 



What are some nursing measures for failure to thrive patient?

What is 

• Daily weight 

• Calorie count 

• Document parents’ relationship with child 

• Referrals for follow up

 • Community resources – WIC – Parenting classes


How long does it take for iron poisoning to lead to hepatic injury?

What is

• Hepatic Injury – 48-96 hours after ingestion


What is celiac disease?

What is 

adverse autoimmune response to a protein in gluten (prolamin protein portion)


Primary disease prevention for failure to thrive would include?

What is 

• Primary - Good prenatal care to prevent birth defects which may impact nutrition


What are treatments options for iron poisoning?

What is 

• Lavage stomach

• Chelation therapy


Treatment for celiac disease?

What is 

Gluten free diet
no wheat, rye, barley


Secondary disease prevention for failure to thrive would include?

What is 

• Secondary - Well baby check-ups for early detection


 A home care nurse is instructing the parents of a child with iron deficiency anemia regarding the administration of a liquid oral iron supplement. The nurse tells the mother to  

What is

Administer the iron through a straw.

due to staining the teeth 


Risk factors for celiac disease?

What is 

family member with celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, down syndrome, turners syndrome, autoimmune thyroid disease, microscopic colitis, Addison's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis


Tertiary disease prevention for failure to thrive would include what?

What is 

• Tertiary - Continued support and follow-up after diagnosis to track progress


• Oral iron supplements are prescribed for the 6year-old child with iron deficiency anemia. The nurse instructs the mother to administer the iron with which of the following food items?

What is

Tomato juice

for better absorption 


How do you DX celiac disease?

What is 

serology testing and genetic testing