Growth and Development /Hospitalized
Endocrine/ Respiratory/GI
High Risk Neonate/HemOnc

What stage of separation is indicated? ( Protest, Despair, Detachment)

Child becomes hopeless and becomes quiet, withdrawn, apathetic

Sadness, depression

Crying when parents appear


( Hospitalized Child PPT Slide 19)


What is the infant at risk for? 

  • Infant sleeping prone

  • Infant on soft mattress

  • Bed sharing

  • Bottle for sleep

  • Loose bedding, toys, pillows in crib

  • Infants sleeps in car seats or swings 


( Apnea SIDS PPT Slide 8)


Name the 3 ICP Severe/Advanced/Late Clinical Manifestations

mnemonic(C A P)

C-ushing’s Response

A-bnormal Posturing

P-upil Response

( Neuro ppt Slide 15)


These are all S/S of what in a preemie? 

  • Urine output <2 ml/kg/hour

  • Dry skin and mucous membranes

  • Sunken anterior fontanel

  • Poor tissue turgor

  • Elevated sodium, protein, and
    hematocrit levels


( High Risk ppt slide 20)



 The Vital signs for infant below are normal.

Temp: 99.9

HR: 170

RR: 20

BP: 120/80  


Temp 97.7–99.3 (axillary)    

HR 80–150    

RR 25–55   

Systolic: 65–100 Diastolic: 45–65

( Book Tbl. 33.1)


This type of play allows children to act out roles and experiences that may have happened to them, that they fear will happen, or that they have observed in others. This type of play can be spontaneous or guided, and it often includes medical or nursing equipment.

Dramatic Play 

(Pg 73)

Post op S/S for Tonsillectomy indicating evidence of bleeding 

Assess for evidence of bleeding (frequent swallowing, clearing throat, tachycardia, pallor, bright red emesis) 

(RR PPT Slide 25)


Coarctation of the Aorta (Coarc) 

What are the upper and lower perfusion manifestations and treatments?

Lower extremities – poor peripheral perfusion, decreased BP, cool skin, weak or absent femoral pulse, leg cramps/tingling 

Upper extremities - elevated BP, bounding pulses

Treatment: Prostaglandins (PGE),Diuretics, Digoxin, Cardiac Cath, Anastomosis

(Cardio PPT Slides 33,34,35)


This transplacental infection appears as large blisters, pink or copper-colored peeling rash, cured by taking penicillin. 

CNS complications – meningitis, blindness, deafness


( High Risk ppt, slide 74)


T/F Newborns may sleep 17-20 hours


( G&D PPT Slide 39)


Primary Pediatric Assessment 

(Double Points if you can name secondary)




D-isability(Think Neuro LOC, PERRLA, Reflex)

E-xposure ( What caused the trauma?)


F - Full set of vital signs; Family-child relationship

G - Give comfort measures 

H - History and head to toe assessment (SAMPLE, Diagnostic Tests, Weight)

I - Inspect posterior surfaces 


What disorder is indicated?  

Cystic Fibrosis: mucus glands that secrete abnormally thick mucus

Leads to mechanical obstruction of organs, especially the lungs, pancreas, liver, small intestine, & reproductive organs

Progressive and incurable 

( RR PPT Slide 64,65)


Which congenital non-progressive neurologic disorder is indicated below? 

Delay reaching developmental milestones

Abnormal muscle tone, poor head control

Uncoordinated or involuntary movements (twitching and spasticity)

Hearing and speech impairments

Cerebral Palsy 

( Neuro PPT Slide 52,53,54)


Which acute Sickle cell crisis/complication is indicated? 

Sickled cells create blockage in hepatic, pulmonary, and/or splenic blood vessels, resulting in a dangerous drop in the circulating blood volume

Treatment: Hydration, Blood transfusion, Splenectomy, Rest

Acute Splenic Sequestration Crisis

( Hemo/Onc PPT Slide 19,20)


T/F Suspicious findings on assessment of a child under 18 must be reported



During this milestone: 

Birth weight is doubled

Begins sense of object permanence

Milestones During Infancy:
6-7 months

( PPT G&D Slide 29,30)


Esophageal Atresia & Tracheoesophageal Fistula clinical manifestations

(Three “C’s”)

 Coughing, choking, cyanosis

( GI PPT Slide 21)


Name the Congenital Heart Defect:

Narrowing of entrance of pulmonary artery or valve

Decreased blood flow to lungs 

Increased preload, causing right ventricular hypertrophy

Regurgitation into right atrium, increasing likelihood of patent foramen ovale (R to L shunt)

venous congestion, decreased CO, heart failure

Pulmonic Stenosis


This childhood cancer is indicated by:

White blood cells (WBCs) are produced rapidly and are prematurely released into circulation (blasts)


( HemOnc ppt Slide 44)


A 10-year-old child is treated for acute asthma exacerbation in the emergency department. The nurse caring for the child would monitor for which sign, knowing that it indicates a worsening of the condition?

A. Warm, dry skin

B. Decreased wheezing

C. Pulse rate of 90 beats per minute

D. Respirations of 18 breaths per minute

B. Decreased wheezing( silent asthma)


During this stage of Erickson's psychosocial development children initiate spontaneous activities

Initiative vs Guilt

(G&D PPT Slide 13)


What are the three cardinal signs of T1D?

Hyperglycemia → Three P’s: Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia

( Endo PPT Slide 37)


Digoxin is one the medications indicated for CHF. What testing in needed prior to starting Digoxin? 

(Double points if you can name the other 3 meds are indicated for CHF)

Baseline ECG , serum electrolytes, assess vital signs and quality of peripheral pulses

Double points 

Digoxin -increases contractility and decreases heart rate

Beta Blockers- increases contractility and decreases heart rate

ACE-inhibitors - arterial vasodilator, afterload reducing agent

Diuretics -enhance renal secretion of sodium and water thereby reducing circulating blood volume, decreasing preload and  pulmonary congestion

( PPT Cardio Slide 26, 29)


Match the preemie complications: 

1.Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

2.Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)

3.Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH)

4.Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

A Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease secondary to acute lung injury 

B Oxygen therapy (especially frequent fluctuation in O2 concentration or chronic O2 administration

C  Primary absence, deficiency or alteration in the production of surfactant

D Caused by increased or decrease blood pressure, Asphyxia or respiratory distress requiring mechanical ventilation, increased or fluctuating cerebral blood flow





( PPT High Risk slides 33,36,38,40)


Positive Kernig sign and/or Brudzinski sign indication

Bacterial Meningitis