Peds 101
Signs and symptoms
Are you a Peds nurse?

Brings hands to mouth
Grasps and hold object- actively holds rattle but not reaching for it
Takes swipes at objects
Watches faces intently
Smiles at sound of your voice
begins to imitate some sounds

3 month Key Milestones


Level of prevention that includes screening and early diagnosis



Chronic inflammatory disorder of airways
Episodes of progressive worsening of SOB, CO, wheeze, chest tightness



Occurs in the first year of life: development requires trust/warmth/nurturant caregiving. Positive outcomes: feelings of comfort and minimal fear.--A sense of mistrust develops if a child is treated negatively or neglected--

trust vs mistrust 

Developmental Period: Infancy (1st year)
Birth-12 months
*Que: one - bun (rust colored) trust* 


A seizure associated with a fever in a child usually between 6 months and 5 years of age.

febrile seizure:


pulls self to stand, stands alone, takes few steps
easily feeds with fingers
drinks from straw and hold cup with 2 hands
skillfull with chewing
demands to spoon feed self
bites variety of textures

10-12 months 


alone, on their back, in a crib 

Prevention of SIDS 


Purulent fluid accumulating in middle ear
Bulging red tympanic membrane
Pain from pressure
Irritable, pulling or holding ears
Rolling head side to side
Rhinorrhea, V, D, S&S respiratory infection
Loss of appetite

Otitis Media


As young children experience a widening social circle, they are challenged more: to cope they need to engage in active purposeful behavior. Adults expect children to become responsible and assume responsibility for bodily functions and belongings. Developing responsibility increases initiative---uncomfortable guilt occurs if they are irresponsible or made to feel to anxious--

Stage: Initiative vs Guilt
Developmental Period: Early childhood(pre-school years ages 3-6)

*Three-Tree; tree with a quilt around it and an old Inn in the tree. "Innitiative vs (quilt) guilt


Use the Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale with children

as young as 3 


crawling/learning, pulls self up to stand
mashing food, moving with tongue
plays with spoon, does not bring to mouth for feeding yet
can feed self finger foods
holds cup independently
holds small food between fingers

8-10 month 


solitary, onlooker, parallel, associative, cooperative

Types of play 


Fever, severe headache, neck stiffness, joint or muscle pain dislike of bright lights, seizures/convulsions, red pressured rash -(remains when rash is put under pressure)



After gaining trust in their caregivers, the child, begins to realize that their behavior is their own. starts to assert independence and their will. If the child is restrained too much (over protected) or punished to harshly a sense of shame and doubt occurs

Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
Developmental Period: Toddler( 1-3 years)

Two-shoe in a shoe with shane the doll


children begin receiving their yearly influenza vaccine

6 months 


Peak time of development
Good head support - no head lag
Rolling in both directions
Bares weight on legs
Sitting with support - tripod position

6 Months



Parenting styles


Barking and Brassy cough
inflammation of mucosa lining larynx and trachea
Narrowing of airway
Inspiratory stridor

Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis (Croup)


Adolescents try to figure out who they are, what they are about and where they are going in life: comfronted with many new roles (vocational & romantic). Adolescents need to explore different paths to attain a healthy identity. If they do not they can ermain confused about their identity.

Stage: Identity vs Identity-Confusion
Developmental Period: Adolescence(12-18 years)

Five-skyDive Skydiver falls on the car and dents it and rolls off the car
I DENTity vs. roll confusion


young child are at risk for this because of high levels of hand to mouth activity, especially if they live in an older home. 

Lead poisoning


Demands and enjoys attention
Chuckles and laughs
Attachment begins discovers hands

4 to 6 months 


- physical
- social/emotional
- cognitive
- communication
- adaptive

categories of development


Abrupt onset, night
Pain on swallowing
Tripod position
Drooling, excess secretions
Voice muffled
Froglike croaking on INSPIRATION
Cherry red edematous epiglottis

Acute Epiglottitis


initiative development brings new experiences. As they move into elementary school energy is directed toward mastering knowledge and intellectual skills. Most enthusiastic about learning; imagination is expansive. The danger is developing a sense of inferiority, un-productiviness, and incompetence

Stage: Industry vs Inferiority
Developmental Period: Middle and late childhood (elementary school years, 6 years to 12)

Dust on the dinosaur's head -
"in dusty = industry and feels inferior with his dusty head"


is the most common nutritional problem among American children, is increasing in epidemic proportions, and is associated with type 2 diabetes.

Childhood obesity