The percentage of partial-thickness burn surface area that would be considered severe in children
A condition in which the bronchioles become inflamed, swell, and produces excessive mucus leading to difficulty breathing
When checking capilary refil in a child the blood should return to the site within
2 seconds
Break down and define - Bronchiolitis
Bronchiole - "Broncus" Latin for "windpipe"
itis - inflammation
inflammation of the bronchioles
When is a patient in infancy?
The first year of life
A febrile seizure in a child could indicate
Serious underlying illness
Specific illness of newborns and toddlers, often caused by RSV
A common early sign of respiratory distress in a child
Break down and define - Epiglottitis
Epi - upon, over
Glott - glottis
Itits - inflammation
Inflammation upon the glottis
When is a patient a toddler?
1-3 years
It is the most common cause of cardiac arrest pediatric patients
Respiratory arrest
A high-pitched inspiratory sound that indicates partial upper ariway obstruction
The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed
Break down and define - Meningitis
itis - inflammation
Mening - meninges
Inflammation of the meninges
When is a patinet a preschool-age child?
3-6 years
You run on a 3 year old patinet who has ingested drain cleaner. After finding them to be alert, breathing adequately, and with skin burns around the mouth you should
Monitor the airway and consider O2
Viral infection that might cause obstruction of the upper airway
The blood pressure will commonly not be assessed in a child younger than
3 years
Break down and define - Anaphylaxis
Ana - against
Phylaxis - protection
"Against protection" severe allergic reaction that is triggered by the immune response
6-12 years
This reading of blood sugar could cause death in a newborn and may be mistaken for SIDS
The unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old.
The next step after perfoming the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT)
Perform hands on assessment of the ABC's
Break down and define - Pertussis
Per - latin prefix for "thorough"
tussis - latin for "cough"
thorough or severe cough
When is a patient an adolescent?
13-18 years