What is the treatment for hyperbilirubinemia?
What is an acceptable blood glucose in a newborn greater than 72 hours?
3.3 or greater
Your pediatric patient is admitted with pneumonia and has a oral temperature of 35.2 what can this indicate?
What number do you call for a coder blue?
Parents bring their 4 day old newborn to the ER with concerns of the child looking "too yellow". You note the newborn seems lethargic and is a bit jittery. What do you assess?
Vital signs, blood sugar, TCB or TSB
How do you check a blood sugar in a newborn?
Edge of the heel
Respiratory rate
When do you start CPR on a pediatric patient?
Heart rate less than 60 bpm
This opioid derivative cannot be given to pediatric patient's as their body cannot process it, leading to potentially fatal build up
What is the difference between a TCB and a TSB?
Transcutaneous and serum
Name three signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia in newborns
Jitteriness or tremulousness, limp, mild lethargy, difficulty feeding, eye rolling, weak or high pitched cry
Severe- apnea, tachypnea, seizures, cyanosis, cardiac failure or arrest, sweating, pallor hypothermia, significate unresponsiveness or lethargy
Your pediatric patient's capillary refill is 5 seconds long. What is this a indication of?
What is the most likely cause of a cardiac arrest in a child?
What is the dosing for pediatric acetaminophen?
What form must you track TSB levels on?
Hyperbilirubinemia Monitoring Record
Your 7 day old newborn is admitted with failure to thrive and poor feeding. You check a blood glucose and it is 1.2 mmol/L. What do you do?
1. IV bolus of Dextrose 10% (D10W) with dosing as per provincial parenteral drug monograph. Then intravenous infusion of D10W as per PPDM.
2. Consult neonatology/pediatrics
3. Repeat glucometer glucose 30 minutes after bolus.
Your 6 month old patient is deteriorating and is now not responsive to painful stimuli. Where do you check a pulse?
Brachial pulse
Child - femoral or carotid
What is the ratio of compressions to breaths in a 2 rescuer CPR code in a pediatric patient?
What is a validated pain scoring tool for child 0-3 years or non verbal
Untreated jaundice in newborns can lead to this rare but serious complication?
Kernicterus - treatment involves exchange transfusions. Can cause significant brain damage and lead to serious and permanent problems such as: cerebral palsy, hearing loss, learning disabilities
You have a 4 day old newborn admitted with poor feeding and hyperbilirubinemia. You do your morning assessment the infant is jittery with a weak cry. You check a blood sugar is 2.4. What do you do?
Give 40% glucose gel with 0.5m/kg AND feed the newborn at the breast for maximum of 30 min or 5ml/kg of expressed breast milk or formula
How do you calculate the minimum systolic blood pressure in children 1-10 years of age?
Greater than 70 + (age in years x 2)
Your patient is not breathing, but has a pulse. What do you do?
Give rescue breaths 1 every 3 seconds