Health Promotion Infant
Health Promotion Child
Health Promotion Adolescent
Basic Pediatric Nursing Care Pt 1
Basic Pediatric Nursing Care Pt 2

Parents should always keep the poison control number close to a telephone in case their child gets into toxic substances. What are ways to prevent accidental poisoning?

Inspect home for lead- walls, stair rails, and windows

keep toxic plants away from children

Keep meds in locked cabinets

Educate adolescents on dangers of drugs and alcohol 


How many minutes of exercise should a child get daily?

60 minutes


True or False: The younger a child is . the more habitual, the stronger the addiction, and more difficult of task of breaking it related to drug use. 



What is the Henry Street Settlement?

Founded by Lillian Wald - provided nursing services and social work to the community


True or False- 

When the child has a health problem, the child, family and disease becomes a problem focus

True- pediatric nursing is family centered nursing- important for family to have total control of health needs of the child. We as nurses are patient advocates for the families to the healthcare providers. 


What do you advise parents not to give before the age of 1 to prevent infant botulism?


form of food poisoning caused by endotoxin by bacillus Clostridium botulinum. 


What causes children's teeth to rot at night when taking a bottle?

Answer: Sugar

so no milk or juice at night, 

either let them cry it out and not be bottle fed at night or quick solution- replaced drinks with WATER 


True or False: Hookah smoking is associated with the same health risks as cigarettes



Which president called the first White House Conference on Children?

Theodore Roosevelt  in 1909 


When are all primary teeth are present and how many are there?

3rd birthday- all 20 teeth

Dental visit should be conducted by age 1- starts to erupt at 6-9 months of life. 


What is asphyxiation?

It is aspiration of foreign materials into the respiratory tract- leading cause of fatal injury in children under 1 year old. 


What is the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the US?

A. Overweight

B. Cigarette smoke

C. Recreational drugs

D. Alcohol 


What are some characteristics of bullies?

Display aggression

Friends who also bully

Limited parental involvement

Problems at home

Difficulty following rules 


Double Jeopardy!!!

Who is the father of Pediatrics?

What was established during his era?

Dr Abraham Jacobi- he first lectured to medical students  on diseases and health problems of children in 1860s

During his era the "milk station" was established in which mothers were taught about how to prepare milk and it caused a decline in infant mortality rates.


At birth visual acuity is _______. What does that mean?

20/400. Means an infant can see at 20 feet what a normal person can see at 400 feet. 

Snellen Chart below


What is nursing bottle caries?

Tooth decay result from prolonged drinking from a bottle after infant be put to bed. 


75% of burn injuries occur where?



Children with Tv in their bedroom spend how many _____ hour more times watching Tv than children who do not. 

1.5 hour 


When is temperature taken in order of vital signs and where in an infant?

Last- try not to disrupt the infant and take axillary. 

Oral temp are taken when children are old enough to understand and follow directions around 5-6 years old. 


Double Jeopardy!!!

What is the key element in evaluation of health status in a child?

Name 3 of the 5 growth parameters for a child 

Physical growth-  parameters include height, weight and head circumference. sometimes arm circumference and skin fold thickness is measured also. The child measurements are plotted on a chart and compared to those of pediatric population to determine deviations from norm.

What does SIDS stand for? How should an infant sleep? Explain crib layout also

Sudden Infant death Syndrome

Back to sleep

No thick blankets or stuffed animals, no crib bumpers or extra padding of mattress till they are at age to fully turn over. 


Who is secured in a booster seat with lap and shoulder belts?

Children more than 40 lbs


When using sun product how much spf should be used minimum?

at least 15 spf


How should one auscultate bowel sounds in a child?

All 4 quadrants- starting with RLQ, RUQ, LUQ,LLQ

Full 3 minutes before absent sounds are reported

Listen for peristalsis- sounds like gurgles- stomach is moving along- hypo or hyper peristalsis. 


What does hospitalization of a child do to their normal routine?

Explain regression

Interrupts it and disrupts their normal developmental process. 

Regress- to return to former or less developed states

Example- thumb sucking to earlier not thumb sucking, bottle feeding from using a sippy cup, bed wetting after potty trained