School-Age Child
A hospitalized infant, age 10 months, begins to choke while eating and quickly becomes unconscious. A foreign object isn't visible in the infant's airway, but respirations are absent and the pulse is 50 beats/minute and thready. The nurse attempts rescue breathing, but the ventilations are unsuccessful. What should the nurse do next? 1. Deliver four back blows. 2. Deliver four chest thrusts. 3. Perform chest compressions. 4. Deliver four abdominal thrusts.
What is 1
A 15-month-old child is being discharged after treatment for severe otitis media and bacterial meningitis. Which statement by the parents indicates effective discharge teaching? 1. "We should have gone to the physician sooner. Next time, we will." 2. "We'll take our child to the physician's office every week until everything is okay." 3. "We'll go to the physician if our child pulls on the ears or won't lie down." 4. "We're just so glad this is all behind us."
What is 3
Which toy would be most appropriate for a 3-year-old? 1. A bicycle 2. A puzzle with large pieces 3. A pull toy 4. A computer game
What is 2
A child is receiving chemotherapy for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. During discharge preparation, which topic is most important for the nurse to discuss with the child and parents? 1. How to help the child adjust to an altered body image 2. How to increase the child's interactions with peers 3. The need to decrease the child's activity level 4. Ways to prevent infection
What is 4
The nurse on the adolescent unit delegates a task to the nursing assistant. After delegating the task, the nurse should: 1. allow adequate time for the task to be completed, then follow-up with the nursing assistant. 2. document in the chart that the task has been completed. 3. keep asking the nursing assistant if the task has been completed. 4. assume the task has been completed to her satisfaction.
What is 1
An infant is diagnosed with a congenital hip dislocation. On assessment, the nurse expects to note: 1. symmetrical thigh and gluteal folds. 2. Ortolani's sign. 3. increased hip abduction. 4. femoral lengthening.
What is 2
The nurse should begin screening for lead poisoning when a child reaches which age? 1. 6 months 2. 12 months 3. 18 months 4. 24 months
What is 3
A child, age 5, is hospitalized for treatment of Kawasaki disease. Which nursing action would best identify potential complications of this disease? 1. Auscultating breath sounds 2. Instituting cardiac monitoring 3. Monitoring blood pressure 4. Assessing the skin daily
What is 2
A child, age 8, complains of leg pain shortly after being admitted with a fractured tibia sustained in a fall. The most effective way for the nurse to assess the severity of the pain is to: 1. ask the child what makes the leg feel better. 2. ask the child what the pain feels like. 3. ask the child what makes the leg feel worse. 4. ask the child to rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 10.
What is 4
The nurse is assigned to an adolescent. Which nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for a hospitalized adolescent? 1. Anxiety related to separation from parents 2. Fear related to the unknown 3. Fear related to altered body image 4. Ineffective coping related to activity restrictions
What is 3
For an 8-month-old infant, which toy promotes cognitive development? 1. Finger paint 2. Jack-in-the-box 3. A small rubber ball 4. A play gym strung across the crib
What is 2
The nurse is caring for a child with tetralogy of Fallot. The child's mother becomes concerned when she visits her son and notices him sucking his thumb, a behavior that he had previously given up. What does this behavior indicate? 1. The child is depressed. 2. The child is in pain. 3. The child wants attention. 4. The child is responding to stress
What is 4
A child, age 3, who tests positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is placed in foster care. The foster parents ask the nurse how to prevent HIV transmission to other family members. How should the nurse respond? 1. "Make sure the child uses disposable plates and utensils." 2. "Use isopropyl alcohol to clean surfaces contaminated with the child's blood or body fluids." 3. "Don't let the child share toys with other children." 4. "Wear gloves when you're likely to come into contact with the child's blood or body fluids."
What is 4
When performing a physical assessment on a girl, age 10, the nurse keeps in mind that the first sign of sexual maturity in girls is: 1. breast bud development. 2. pubic hair. 3. axillary hair. 4. menarche.
What is 1
The nurse is caring for an adolescent client who underwent surgery for a perforated appendix. When caring for this client, the nurse should keep in mind that the main life-stage task for an adolescent is to: 1. resolve conflict with parents. 2. develop an identity and independence. 3. develop trust. 4. plan for the future.
What is 2
What is the recommended treatment for scabies in a child who's under age 1? 1. lindane (Kwell) 2. tolnaftate (Tinactin) 3. thiabendazole (Mintezol) 4. permethrin (Elimite)
What is 4
A child's parents state that they childproofed their home for their 2-year-old. During a home visit, the nurse discovers some situations that show the parents don't fully understand the developmental abilities of their toddler. Which situation displays misunderstanding by the parents? 1. Safety latches on kitchen cabinets 2. Toy chest in front of a second-story, locked window 3. Pot handles turned toward the back of the stove 4. Hot water heater temperature set at 120° F (48.9° C) or below
What is 2
A child is admitted to the pediatric unit with a fracture of the hip. The physician orders Russell traction. This type of traction is: 1. skin traction applied to a lower extremity, with the extremity suspended above the bed. 2. skeletal traction applied to a lower extremity. 3. skin traction applied to an extended lower extremity. 4. skin traction applied bilaterally to the lower extremities.
What is 1
A disabled school-age child whose parents are overprotective may display which characteristics? 1. Dependency, fearfulness, and lack of outside interests 2. Extreme independence, defiance, and a high level of risk taking 3. Shyness and loneliness 4. Pride and confidence in one's ability to cope
What is 1
An adolescent, age 16, is brought to the clinic for evaluation for a suspected eating disorder. To best assess the effects of role and relationship patterns on the child's nutritional intake, the nurse should ask: 1. "What activities do you engage in during the day?" 2. "Do you have any allergies to foods?" 3. "Do you like yourself physically?" 4. "What kinds of foods do you like to eat?"
What is 3
Which intervention provides the most accurate information about an infant's hydration status? 1. Monitoring the infant's vital signs 2. Accurately measuring intake and output 3. Monitoring serum electrolyte levels 4. Weighing the infant daily
What is 4
A parent brings a toddler, age 19 months, to the clinic for a regular checkup. When palpating the toddler's fontanels, what should the nurse expect to find? 1. Closed anterior fontanel and open posterior fontanel 2. Open anterior fontanel and closed posterior fontanel 3. Closed anterior and posterior fontanels 4. Open anterior and posterior fontanels
What is 3
A child experiences nausea and vomiting after receiving cancer chemotherapy drugs. To help prevent these problems from recurring, the nurse should: 1. provide a high-fiber diet before the next chemotherapy session. 2. administer allopurinol (Zyloprim) 2 hours before the next chemotherapy session. 3. encourage increased fluid intake before the next chemotherapy session. 4. administer an antiemetic 30 to 60 minutes before the next chemotherapy session.
What is 4
Several children in a kindergarten class have been treated for pinworm. To prevent the spread of pinworm, the school nurse meets with the parents and explains that they should: 1. tell the children not to bite their fingernails. 2. not let children share hairbrushes. 3. tell the children to cover their mouths and noses when they cough or sneeze. 4. have their children immunized.
What is 1
A female adolescent client refuses to allow male nurses to care for her while she's hospitalized. Which of these health care rights is this client exerting? 1. Right to competent care 2. Right to have an advance directive on file 3. Right to confidentiality of her medical record 4. Right to privacy
What is 4