Pediatric Emergencies!!
Common Disorders

The nurse is obtaining vital signs on an 18 month child. What should the nurse obtain first?

What is temperature?


How many pounds is 70 kilograms? (round to nearest hundred)

What is 154

What does SIDS stand for? DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What is the definition?
What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

What food is usually introduced first to infants?

What is rice cereal


When providing health teaching to a group of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus, a nusre instructs them that hypoglycemic reaction can occur because of:

__ too much glucose

__ eating too much junk food

__ exercising strenuously

__ not enough insulin in the body

What is C. Exercising strenuously


The parent of a 2-year old toddler tells the nurse that she is frustrated with her child's behaviors. The child throws temper tantrums and says "No!" every time she tries to help her. Although the parent knows toddlers do this, she cannot understand why. The nurse explains that toddlers are often negative, which is the normal expression of their desire to: 

A: Increase their Independence 

B: Develop their sense of trust 

C: Gratify their oral fixation 

D. Finish a project they set out to do

A: Increase their independance


When instilling an otic solution into a child's ear, the nurse should pull the auricle...

What is Down and  Back.


The parents tell the nurse they found their infant in the corner of the crib blue and not breathing. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask the parents. 

A. What did you do when you put her down for the evening 

B. Why did you put the blanket in the bed with her 

C. Could you tell me more about how you found her? 

D. Didn't you know how to do CPR?

What is C. Could you tell me more about how you found her?


Name the foods that infants may eat at the specific time: get one right to receive 200 pts. Right answers after receive additional 200 pts. 4-6 months: 6-8 months: 8-10 months:

What is 4-6= Iron-fortified cereal, rice cereal 6-8= yellow vegetables, fruits, milk 8-10= meat


A 2-year-old child has had three ear infections in the past 5 months. For which of the following long-term complications of ottitis media with effusion should the nurse screen the child? 

A. Balance difficulties 

B. Tinnitis 

C. Speech delays 

D. Pneumonia

What is C. Speech delays


A nurse is assisting in conducting a well child visit with a child who is scheduled to receive the recommended immunization for 11- to 12- year olds. Which of the following immunizations should the nurse administer? (Select all that apply)

A. Inactivated influenza (IIV)

B. Pneumococcal (PCV)

C. Meningococcal (MCVF)

D. Tetanus and diptheria toxiods and pertussis (TDAP)

E. Rotavirus (RV)

A. Inactivated influenza (IIV)

C. Meningococcal (MCVF)

D. Tetanus and diptheria toxiods and pertussis (TDAP)

Which of the following sites is the most appropriate for administering an immunization to an infant? A: Deltoid B: Ventrogluteal C: Vastus Lateralis D: Dorsogluteal
What is Vastus Lateralis.
The nurse is caring for a child preoperatively with Wilms Tumor. When following the plan of care for this child, what intervention is essential?

a. palpate the tumor to be sure it has nt grown

b. place a clear warning sign over the bed to not palpate the abdomen

c. limit visitors

d. place the child in isolation

What is B. place a clear warning sign over the bed to not palpate the abdomen

What is the primary food description for Toddlers (1-3 years)?
What is FINGER foods!

A mother of a child with cleft lip and palate asks the nurse why she has specifically been told to observe for signs of ear an infection. Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? 

A. You should watch for throat infections, not ear infections 

B. Ear infections are much more common b/c germs can get into the ear from the open cleft in the palate 

C. Ear infections are caused by the same genetic problem that caused the cleft lip and palate. 

D. This child is more prone to all types of infections because a problem with immunity.

What is B. Ear infections are much more common b/c germs can get into the ear from the open cleft in the palate


The nurse is caring for a hospitalized child and observes the child's behavior as apathetic and sad. The child is most likely experiencing which of the following phases of separation anxiety?

a. Protest

b. Despair

c. Denial

d. Anger

What is B: The child who appears sad or apathetic is demonstrating despair. Protest takes the form of crying and rejection of new caregivers. Denial has the appearance of resolved stranger anxiety because the child may seem to identify and accept the new environment and staff while seeming to deny and avoid parental attention. There is no phase of anger during this experience.

A child weighs 20 lb. The primary care provider prescribes cefazolin (Ancef) 30 mg/kg in 2 divided doses per day. Available is cefazolin oral suspension 125mg/5 mL. How many mL per dose should this child receive?
What is 5.5 mL

A nurse id collecting data from a child who has epiglottitis Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? (SATA).

A. Hoarseness

B. Difficulty Swallowing

C. Low grade fever

D. Drooling

E. Dry, barking cough

B. Difficulty Swallowing

D. Drooling


True or False: Toddlers should have their fruit limited to 4-6 oz/day



A 5-year-old child is brought to the primary care provider by his mother. The mother tells the provider that the child is unable to sit through meals and is easily distracted. At night, he gets up while the family is sleeping and wanders around the house. She also tells the provder that he is doing poorly in his kindergarten class due to his inability to concentrate on work. For which of the following should this child be evaluated?

What is ADHD


Identify the order of sexual maturation in males by numbering the changes from 1-6 --- Voice Changes --- Public hair appears --- Size of testes increase --- Downy hair appears on upper lip --- Axillary hair grows --- Rapid growth of genitalia occurs

What is 6 2 1 5 4 3


Doctor orders 2 mg/kg of Lovenox subcutaneous daily. Patient weighs 155 lbs. You are supplied with a Lovenox syringe that reads 40 mg/0.4 mL. How many mL/dose will you administer?

What is 1.4 mL/dose


Match the following common causes of poisoning in children w/ the symptoms seen in poisoning with the substance. 

__ Acetaminophen __ Aspirin __ Lead __ Corrosive Substance 

A. Edema of lips, hemoptysis, drooling

 B. Mental impairment, blindness 

C. Liver failure occuring without treatment 

D. Nausea/Vomiting, ringing in the ears, lightheadedness

What is C, D, B, A


What are the 4 signs for readiness for the introduction of solid foods?

What is ingestion of 32 oz w/o hunger satisfaction

disappearance of extrusion factor

doubling in birth weight

ability to sit unsupported and lean forward and back


What is the most definitive diagnostic procedure to obtain a positive Meningitis diagnosis?

What is Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis with a Lumbar Puncture