Cystic Fibrosis

What are some expected findings for tonsillitis?

Difficulty swallowing, hx of otitis media, mouth odor, mouth breathing, snoring, nasally voice, fever, and inflamed tonsils.

What are some triggers?

Mold, cockroaches, dust, grass, pollen, trees, shrubs, spores, air pollution, weeds, tobacco smoke, odors, sprays, exercise, temperature changes, infections, animal dander, medications, strong emotions, food allergens, and endocrine changes.


What kind of inheritance pattern does this disorder have?

Autosomal Recessive


What is a sign of active bleeding in a child post tonsilectomy?

Continuous swallowing

What are some symptoms?

Dyspnea, cough, wheezing, course lung sounds, crackles, mucous production, restlessness, irritability, anxiety, sweating, accessory muscles, low O2 sats, tripod, and sitting retractions.


What is the earliest indication of CF in a newborn?

Meconium Ileus


What kinds of food are children allowed to have post tonsilectomy?

Clear liquids after gag reflex return and then soft foods for at least 2 weeks.


What is the most accurate test for diagnosing asthma and its severity?

Pulmonary Function Tests


What are some expected findings for CF?

Wheezing, rhonchi, dry cough, dyspnea, cyanosis, barrel chest, clubbing, steatorrhea, failure to gain wt or wt loss, delayed growth patterns, distended abdomen, anemia, and salty skin.


What are some nursing actions to be done to prevent dehydration?

I&O's, encourage oral fluids, and monitor for manifestations.


What is considered a prolonged severe asthma attack that has a lack of air movement in the lungs, distended neck veins, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypoxia, diaphoresis, and a risk of cardiac/respiratory arrest.

Status Asthmaticus


When giving pancreatic enzymes, how often should you give it and when should you increase the dose?

Every meal and snack. When eating high-fat foods


Why would a child with a history of otitis media have an increased chance of having tonsilitis?

Due to the anatomy of children, they have a shorter and flatter eustachian tubes which make it easier for pathogens to crawl back and forth.


What are 3 important interventions when caring for a patient with asthma?

Place patient upright, monitor O2, and administer bronchodilators as needed.


Since this disease can cause a decreased insulin production what endocrine complication can it cause?

Diabetes Mellitus