Key Terms
It's all about diet
What? What?
Can you breathe?
Take a deep breath!
Shortness of breath
What is Dyspnea
What is the best liquid for the nurse to give a child who has a tonsillectomy? A. Popsicle B. Milk C. Cola D. Ice Cream
What is a popsicle
The nurse tells the parents of a child who has a positive throat culture for Group A hemolytic streptococcus that the treatment most likely will be: A. acentaminophen and plenty of fluids B. oral penicillin for 10 days C. penicillin until his sore throat is gone D. streptococcus immunization
What is oral penicillin for 10 days
The nurse offers a variety of fluids to a 5 year old asthmatic child to compensate for the fluid loss through dyspnea. Appropriate fluids would be: A. room temp water B. carbonated beverages C. iced fruit juice D. cold milk
What is room temperature water
The nurse describes the allergic salute as a cluster of what signs related to chronic allergy? a. mouth breathing b. transverse nasal crease c. dark circles under the eyes d. productive cough e. reddened conjunctiva
What is mouth breathing, transverse nasal crease, dark circles under the eyes, reddened conjunctiva
Fluid in the lungs to keep the lungs open, makes it easier for a patient to breath.
What is surfactant
The nurse determines a parent understands diet teaching for a child with cystic fibrosis when she states the child should eat which type of diet? A. High Calorie, high protein B. High Calorie, low protein C. Low calorie, high protein D. Low Calorie, low protein
What is High Calorie, High Protein (low fat)
A child is experiencing a laryngeal spasm.... what do you tell the parents to do as initial information if they are at home with their child? A. take the child outside in the cool air B. bring the child directly to the emergency department C. Take the child to the bathroom and turn on a hot shower D. have the child drink plenty of fluids
What is C. Place the child in high humidity environment such as the bathroom with a hot shower running. The humidity liquefies secretions and reduces spasm
An infant is hospitalized with RSV bronchiolitis. The priority nursing diagnosis is: A. fatigue related to increased work of breathing B. ineffective breathing pattern related to airway inflammation and increased secretions C. risk for fluid volume deficit related to tachypnea and decreased oral intake D. fear and or anxiety related to dyspnea and hospitalization
What is B ineffective reathing related to airway inflammation and increased secretions
The nurse places a child with croup in an environment of high humidity for which effect? a. decrease the possibility of dehydration b. decrease the risk of spreading the infection c. decreased mucosal swelling d. decrease body temperature
What is C. The cool mist air facillitates vasoconstriction, relieving mucosal swelling
difficulty swallowing
What is Dysphagia
What does a patient need to take as a nutritional supplement when they have cystic fibrosis? When do they take it?
What is Pancreatic enzymes, and right before their meal with a little applesauce.
Frequent swallowing following a tonsillectomy is indicative of:
What is hemorrhage
The nurse is caring for a patient with laryngeotacheobronchitis. The assessment finding that would indicate the child is experiencing increased respiratory obstruction is: A. restlessness B. tachycardia C. brassy cough D. expiratory wheezing
What is A. restlessness is a primary sign of increased respiratory obstruction
The nurse would expect the parent of an infant with croup to describe the infant's cough as: a. dry b. productive C. Barking D. quiet
What is C barking The CHIEF sign of croup is the barking cough
Air sacs surrounded by capillaries for gas exchange
What is Alveoli
What kind of diet would a patient that has acute pneumonia symptoms be on?
What is NPO, IV
The nurse auscultating breath sounds of a child hospitalized for an acute asthma attack, would expect to find the CLASSIC sign of:
What is expiratory wheezing
The teaching plan for the use of a dry powder inhaler for the treatment of asthma should include the warning to rinse the mouth after inhaling the powder to prevent: A. discoloration of tooth enamel B. halitosis C. irritation for oral membranes D. candidiasis
What is Candidiasis
Which medication is NOT helpful in a child experiencing an asthma attack? a. albuterol b. cromolyn sodium c. corticosteroids d. thophylline
What is cromolyn sodium is a non steroidal anti inflammatory medication that is inhaled. It is used as preventative therapy.
Asthma attach that is not responsive to drugs, and is an emergency
What is status asthmaticus
The asthmatic child who has been taking theophylline complains of stomachache and tachycardia and is sweating profusely. The nurse recognizes these symptoms as: A. severe asthma attach b. allergic response to theophylline c. onset of bronchitis d. drug toxicity
What is Drug toxicity Theophylline range 5-15
The nurse explains to the parent of a child with exercise induced asthma that Cromolyn, an antiinflammatory drug whould be inhaled: A. before exercise to prevent attacks B. at the initial onset of the attack C. during the attack to relieve symptoms D. as often as 4 times a day
What is A- before exercise to prevent attacks
The nurse caring for a 3 year old who suffered a smoke inhalation injury is aware that pulmonary edema is a threat after ? hours after exposure? a. 2 b. 4 c. 18 d. 72
What is 18.... 6-72 hours after exposure
A three year old boy was seen in the clinic by the pediatrician and diagnosed with pneumonia. amoxicillin for 10 days was perscribed, with a follow up visit in 2 weeks. Choose the priority parent teaching: a. avoid giving cough medicine at naptime or bedtime b. importance of taking all of the prescribed medication c. maintain high humidity in the child's surroundings d. room temperature soft drinks enhance amoxicilling absorption.
What is B