Infectious Diseases
Anticipatory Guidance
This causes pain and swelling at the tibial tubercle during late childhood and adolescence.
What is Osgood-Schlatter Disease. (What is the cause and how is it treated?)
A 3 week old female presents with new onset jaundice and acholic stools. Gallbladder is not visible on abdominal ultrasound. You tell her parents that this is the most likely diagnosis.
What is biliary atresia. (What would a liver biopsy show?)
The presumed infectious agent responsible for bilateral conjunctival injection and purulent eye drainage in a 12 day old male born to a mother with incomplete prenatal care.
What is Chlamydia Trachomatis? (Where else in the infant are you likely to find infection? How would you treat it?)
This is the age at which a child should see a dentist for the first time.
What is within 6 months of tooth eruption. (Should toddlers use fluoridated toothpaste? Why or why not?)
This is the heart defect associated with Down Syndrome.
What is AVSD or endocardial cushion defect? (What murmur would you hear?)
An important cause of hip pain in an overweight adolescent.
What is SCFE (Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis) (What is the classic X-ray finding and how is it treated?)
This is a likely diagnosis in a newborn with delayed meconium passage who has a NORMAL newborn screen.
What is Hirschsprung's disease. (What causes are ruled out on the newborn screen?)
This is the most common infectious agent in osteomyelitis.
What is staphylococcus aureus. (What other infectious agents are on the differential?)
This is the age at which the average child rolls over for the first time.
What is 4 months. (In which direction will he/she roll first- front to back or back to front?)
A 6 week old male is fussy and has difficulty feeding for a few hours. He sees his pediatrician where his hands and feet are noted to be cool and his heart rate is 300 beats per minute. An EKG shows this rhythm.
What is SVT? (How is it treated and what is a common underlying abnormality?)
A 4 year old male presents with hip pain and limp 1-2 weeks after a URI. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What is Transient Synovitis. (What else is on your differential, and what labs would you consider ordering?)
A 10 month old male has had colicky abdominal pain for about 24 hours. He had a few episodes of bilious emesis at home. On arrival to the ED he is ill appearing with a distended, rigid abdomen.
What is intestinal malrotation/volvulus? (What is the name of the surgical procedure to correct malrotation?)
What is the antibiotic of choice for a patient diagnosed with Lyme disease?
What is doxycycline. (What if your patient is less than 8, and why is this a concern?)
A child should ride in a rear facing car seat until this age.
What is two? (How long should they ride in a booster seat?)
A 13 year old male with a history of bicuspid aortic valve presents with 2 weeks of low grade fevers and 5 days of fatigue. On exam he has petechiae and 4/6 diastolic murmur. You suspect this diagnosis.
What is infective endocarditis. (What are the most likely organisms to grow on blood culture?)
An 18 month old female is fussy and will not use her right arm after her older brother was swinging her by the arms. You suspect this diagnosis.
What is a Nursemaid's Elbow? (What is the maneuver to reduce the subluxation?)
A 12 hour old male presents with frothing at the mouth, coughing, and cyanosis with every feed. You suspect...
What is tracheoesophageal fistula? (How would you diagnosis it?)
This is the antibiotic of choice for acute otitis media?
What is amoxicillin. (And what if your patient is allergic?)
These are the 2 vaccines given for the first time at the 11 year old well visit.
What are meningococcal and HPV? (Who should receive the meningococcal vaccine prior to the age of 11?)
A newborn in the well baby nursery is noted to have a brachial-femoral delay. This is the associated anomaly.
What is coarctation of the aorta? (Is it more common in males or females? What genetic syndrome is associated?)
Name 2 of the 3 major risk factors for developmental dysplasia of the hip.
What are female gender, breech presentation, and/or family history. (What maneuvers detect this and how is it treated?)
Where are the 2 places in the esophagus where ingested foreign bodies are most likely to get stuck?
What are the cricopharyngeus (upper esophageal sphincter) and the GE junction (lower esophageal sphincter). (Ingestion of which 2 common objects are true emergencies (assuming a stable airway))?
Name 2 of the 3 animals most likely to carry rabies in Pennsylvania.
What are raccoons, bats, and/or cats. (How do you treat a possible rabies exposure?)
Name 5 of the 6 components of the HEADSS history.
What are Home, Education, Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, and/or Suicide? (What is the age of consent in Pennsylvania? In what cases can you treat a minor without parental consent?)
These are the components of Tetrology of Fallot.
What are 1)pulmonary stenosis 2)VSD 3)overriding aorta 4) right ventricular hypertrophy (Describe a "Tet spell").