Grandmama the baby
Treacherous Twins
Young, Wild, and Free
Hard Knock Life

The condition described as a decrease in height and weight due to inadequate caloric intake and absorption, increased metabolism, and defective utilization. 

What is failure to thrive? 


The treatment for mercury and lead poisoning.

What is chelation therapy? 


The most common helminthic infection.

What is pinworms? 


Child exhibits extreme reluctance to attend school for a long period of time. 

What is school phobia? 


Increased body weight caused by accumulation of excessive body fat in relation to lean body mass index, BMI >95th percentile for age, gender, and height. Treatment: lifestyle modifications and orlistat 

What is obesity? 


The condition diagnosed with the rule of 3's (crying 3 hours/day, 3 days/weel, for 3 weeks). 

What is Colic?


The blood lead level that requires immediate intervention.

What is greater than or equal to 70? 


Diagnostic test done first thing in the morning before a BM and before a shower. 

What is tape test? 


Signs and symptoms are changes in sleep and eating behaviors, depression, anxiety, social isolation, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, and vague health complaints

What is bullying? 


Refusal to maintain normal body weight, severe weight loss in absence of obvious physical causes. Seen in adolescent girls and young women with the onset age being 13 years old 

What is anorexia? 


The condition where a sudden death occurs in children under the age of 1, the average being 2-4 months.

What is SIDS? 


Signs and symptoms are tremors, memory loss, insomnia, gingivitis, diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss

What is mercury toxicity? 


Signs and symptoms are abdominal cramps, bloating, and diarrhea

What is giardiasis lamblia? 


Developmentally inappropriate degrees of inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Treatment: stimulants such as adderall and SNRIs 

What is ADHD? 


Binge-eating followed by self-induced vomiting. Seen in older adolescents and young women. Turns to food to cope, extroverted, seeks intimacy, acts out, variable school performance, health fluctuates, often sexually active, within 5-15 pounds of normal body weight or may be overweight 

What is bulimia? 


The condition where a brief resolved unexplained event occurs in children 1 year of age and younger. 

What is ALTE? 


Signs and symptoms are distractibility, impulsiveness, hyperacitivyt, hearing impairment, and mild intellectual difficulty 

What is low dose exposure to lead? 


The antibiotics used to treat giardiasis lamblia.

What is flagyl and tindamax? 


Board games, competitive sports, collection of rocks and stamps, craft making, building models, reading books, riding bicycles. 

What is age-appropriate activities?


Deliberate act of self-injury that causes death. One on one supervision is highly advised. 

What is suicide? 


The tools that nurses monitor in infancy to make sure they are growing properly? 

What is growth charts, lab tests, and clinical signs of poor nutrition? 


Signs and symptoms are cognitive delays varying in severity, blindness, paralysis, coma, seizures, and death

What is high dose exposure to lead? 


Wash everything in hot water, vaccum the house, wash hands after using the bathroom and before eating, keep fingernails short and clean, take daily showers 

What is patient education for pinworms? 


Focuses on prevention of undesired behavior, teamwork approach, family involvement, parenting skills to promote desired behaviors and cope with inappropriate behaviors. 

What is behavioral therapy? 


Daily disruption of mood and loss of pleasure in activities that lasts 2 weeks or longer, often overlooked, can be caused by a traumatic event, mental health disorders, and/or be apart of family history

What is depression?