sickle cell anemia
Hodge Podge
The Dying Child
What is the pathophys of sickle cell?
the RBCs have a sickle shape that causes them to clump together and obstruct blood flow. This causes ischemic pain to the affected tissues.
What is the pathophys of hemophilia?
lack of clotting factors 8 and 9 that increase bleeding time; impaired ability to clot
What are top priority nursing interventions for the dying child?
pain control, symptom management, family support
How do people get sickle cell anemia?
It's an inherited disorder; more prominent in AFrican-Americans and dark-skinned peoples.
What is meant by bleeding precautions?
No injections, hold pressure x 5 min after venipuncture, no rectal temps, soft toothbrush,extra layers of clothes for toddlers, padded crib, low-contact sports; monitor stool and urine for blood
List several topics that the nurse must discuss with the parents of a dying child.
nutrition/hydration supplements/feeding tubes, resuscitation, autopsy, organ/tissue donation, funeral arrangments, burial options, sibling's attendance at funeral; local resources to help
LIst some of the assessment findings of the child with sickle cell.
family hx, SOB, fatigue, tachycardia, pallor, lethargy, weakness, abd pain, n/v, low grade fever, heart failure
What is the pathophys in leukemia?
uncontrolled growth of immature WBCs that can't fight infection; WBCs take over centers that form RBCs so pt is anemic; WBCs take over centers that form platelets so pt has bleeding tendencies
What is the school-aged child's perception of death?
begin to have an adult concept of death; may be curious about what happens to the body after death, curious about funeral services
What is a priority intervention for the nurse for a child admitted with sickle cell anemia?
Pain management
What are nursing interventions for the child with leukemia who is receiving chemotherapy?
freq oral care, soft toothbrush, lip care, soft/bland foods for mucosal ulcerations; monitor dietary & fluid intake; daily wt, monitor e-lytes; small freq meals
How can the nurse validate the loss of a child?
express your own feelings about the loss and the sadness; respect the family's cultural/spiritual preferences/rituals
What are the overall goals for the child with sickle cell anemia?
prevention of infection and dehydration
In what ways may an adolescent perceive death or react to their own terminal illness?
rely on peers more than family; isolate themselves from family; more stressed by change in appearance than the prospect of death; may have guilt/shame