Primitive reflexes
outcome measures

Identify the stages of development starting at conception to birth and at what week these occur at 

Conception- beginning

embryo- conception- 8th week of gestation

fetus- 9th week of gestation until birth 

birth- typically at 40 weeks (10 months) give or take 2 weeks 38-42 full term 


What what age should a child be able to jump with both feet off the floor

3 years 


what reflex has a response of abduction and extension of arms, splaying of fingers which may follow by arm flexion and adduction 



What score is recommended when using norm-referenced outcome measures

The standard score- the score of how a child performed compared to the norm group. Mean= 100 and SD =15 

This is bc it has gone through the math and how its compared to the norm 


What is a newborn's heart rate and respiratory rate usually at compared to children 6 and up? (is not specific) 

Newborns heart rate and respiratory rate  is usually higher 


What influences motor development 

intrinsic and extrinsic factors, preventable vs non preventable factors 


at what age can a child take steps independently initially characterized by excessive hip flexion, ER, abd w/ wide base of support, no heel strike, and falls easily?

BONUS: at what month does a child walk alone

9-17 months, walks independently at 12.1 months 


What reflex has a stimulus of flexion or extension of the head?

What is the response with flexion? extension? 

Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR) 

with head flexion, arms flex and hips extend

with head extension arms extend and hips flex


What does the Alberta infact motor scale (AIMS) focus on? what development theory does it use and what age can this be applied to?

Motor function- gross motor development

Using a dynamic systems theory 

infants from birth to 18 months (most sensitive between 4-12 months) 


what are the DOs to wrting a SMART goal for children 

ex the DONTS are write goals from standardized test items, write ROM goals without focusing on functional skills, write pain goals without focus on how it impacts functional skills

identify impairments and combine impairments with functional outcomes


explain what behavioral theory is 

nurture vs nature, occurs over time, modifying behavior through stimuli in environement with positive/negative reinforcement, stimulus response approach is intensity, rate, and frequency 


what age can a child sit well without support; legs are closer, full upright position, knees straight, increased variety of sitting like "w" sit and side sit, diff with fine motor tasks may go back to wide base of support

8-10 months


When does the plantar grasp appear and integrate? 

28 weeks and integrates at 9 months 


what is the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales third edition (PDMS-3) measures/ age and what development theory is it based on 

measures both gross motor and fine motor skills that develop in early life from birth through 6 

created using dynamic systems theory 

gross motor subtest (body control, body transport, object control), fine motor subtest (hand manipulation, eye-hand coordination), physical fitness 


What children are at risk for hypertension 

obesity, sleep disturbed breathing (SDB), Chronic kidney disease (CKD), history of prematurity 


how does movement begin and progress to? What is the flow of development and motor control? 

movement begins reflexive then progresses to volitional control, 

the flow of development and motor control is cephalocaudal and medial/lateral 


when can a child roll from prone to supine with right and left leg performing independent movement 

5-7 months rolling


when does galant reflex occur? when does it integrate?

28 weeks and integrates 3 months inconsistent


Name the 4 purposes of testing 

determine eligibility, establish baseline, document change over time, predict future performance 


What is FLACC (FACE, LEG, ACTIVITY, CRY, CONSOLABILTY), what is the age range we can give them, and what is the scoring?

a behavioral pain assessment scale used for nonverbal or preverbal patients who are unable to self-report their level of pain, valid for children 2 months to 7 years old 


0= relaxed and comfortable 

1-3= mild discomfort 

4-6 moderate pain

7-10 severe pain or discomfort or both


What is the motor learning cognitive theory 

REPETITION, the law of effect, skills emerge as we repeat actions that are rewarded, a set of unspoken rules for each movement (evaluate, correct, update memory and skill refinement for higher level skills) 

what age is a child when they can stand by bearing some weight on legs, but must be held proximally; head is up in midline, no chin tuck; pelvis and hips are behind shoulders; legs are apart and turned outward

3-4 months standing


when does asymmetrical tonic neck reflex appear and when does it integrate? 

20 weeks and 4-5 months integrates 


what does the Bruininks- Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Third Edition (BOT-3) assess and what age is this appropriate?

Assess gross and fine motor proficiency (fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, upper limb coordination, bilateral coordination, balance, strength, dynamic movement, supplementary subtest, extended balance) 

target population 4-25.11 years old 


What is the Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale and what is it created for 

pain assessment only, self assessment that child picks

created for children to communicate about their pain, used for ages 3 and older