If you are prescribed opioids, what should you do to help prevent addiction for you and others?
Take the correct amount and store it safely.
Short term effect: V_m_ _ ing
Meaning: Throw up things from your stomach
What do opioids do?
Relieve pain and boost pleasure
Yes, opioids are common in Canada.
What is seeking help the first step to?
If you're in pain and you're also vulnerable to addiction, what should you do to the doctor?
Ask them to prescribe you other pain-relievers that aren't opioids.
Short term effect: N_ _ _ ea
Meaning: A feeling of discomfort or sickness in your stomach
Where is opium naturally found?
In the opium of poppy plants
Are opioid deaths increasing in Canada?
Yes, death from opioid overdose is growing by year in Canada.
What should you do first when seeking for help?
Let someone you trust know what is happening to you, and that you want to stop it.
What is important for schools and parents to do for the children to prevent future addiction?
Educate the children
Short term effect: D_ _ wsi _ _ ss
Meaning: Feeling more sleepy than usual
How exactly do opioids work?
They relieve pain by changing the way the brain and body feel pain.
Why is opioid addiction much easier?
It's because pain-relief medication are commonly prescribed.
What should you do after the first step?
After informing the person you trust, you can search online or find a professional’s help.
Is prevention or recovery better?
Prevention is the best medicine.
Long term effect: Con _ t _ _ _ _ _ on
Meaning: Having three or less bowel movements a week
Name one drug that is in the group of opioids.
Morphine, fentanyl, codeine, thebaine, noscapine, papaverine, buprenorphine, hydromorphone, methadone, oxycodone, pethidine
In what way can researching online be helpful for you?
Information online can be highly useful if you wish to be independent in your recovery.
If you found out your friend was addicted to an opioid, what would you do to help them?
(Open answer)
Long term effect: Im_ _ _ _s_ p _ _ _ _ _ _ on
Meaning: Weakened immune system
How can opioids be fatal?
High dosage of opioids can decelerate the speed of breathing and heart rate.
What is the percentage increase in the number of deaths in 2023 compared to 2022?
There was a 5% increase in number of reported deaths in 2023 compared to 2022.