Ground Rules

Safe or Not Safe?

Telling a trusted adult about a situation that made you uncomfortable.

Safe! If something/someone is making you feel unsafe, never be afraid to tell a trusted adult.


What is the first step you should take if you are trying to change your schedule within the time you are able to?

Email your counselor or stop by Student Support for help. 


How do you address your teacher properly?

Use your manners when asking a question, don't blurt out in class and raise your hand before speaking. 


Why do we make ground rules for PGC?

We make these rules to hold ourselves to a higher standard and to make PGC a safe environment and space.


What does PGC stand for?

Peer Group Connection. 


Safe or Not Safe?

Getting into the car with your friend's older brother who is slightly intoxicated.

Not safe, alcohol or drugs can majorly impair your senses, reflexes, and vision, making them unsafe to be behind the wheel. 


Where can you check your grades and/or attendance?

From Classlink, go to NCEDCloud, then head to NCSIS, or Infinite Campus. 


How should you leave your space after eating lunch in the cafeteria?

You should clean up any mess you make, and if there was already trash in the space when you got there you should leave it better than you found it. 


Why did we have everyone sign these ground rules?

We did this so we can hold each other accountable for our actions in PGC, it is like signing a contract. 


When and where does PGC meet?

PGC meets during homerooms on Wednesdays. 


Safe or Not Safe:

Somebody offers you a pill at a party.

Not safe! It is never safe to take an unknown drug or medicine from a stranger, don't risk it. 


How should you act when you are in the Student Section during athletic events?

Don't call out names, numbers, or personal things of players on the opposing team. Be supportive of your own team and have good sportsmanship!


When talking to your classmates or peers, how should you act towards them?

Show you are actively listening to what they are saying to you, don't interrupt them, don't use offensive words or language. 


A PGC member told their friends about something another member said in confidence to the group. What ground rule is this breaking? 

This is breaking confidentiality and disrespecting the safe space and trust we have built as a group. 



What day of the week do your PGC leaders send out informational emails to you?

Every Friday!


What is the definition of safety?

Being protected or safe, reduced risk of being harmed or in danger.


Darrius is wearing a t-shirt with inappropriate text to school. Is this against dress code?

Yes! Slogans, text, or images on clothing must be school appropriate, and you must adhere to all other rules. 


How should you behave when the teacher is teaching or speaking to the class?

You should remain silent, do not make faces or interrupt, and if you have a question raise your hand or wait for them to finish speaking.


Why is holding space/actively listening important as a ground rule for PGC?

We want to make the time we have with each other comfortable, and safe to express yourself and your opinions. 


What is expected from the class when your leaders are teaching?

Full attention and participation, don't speak while they are and hold space.  



What is the difference between emotional and physical safety?

Physical safety entails the absence of physical hazards, while emotional safety is the ability to feel safe, respected, and valued to express yourself without judgement.


How should you act in the hallways between classes?

You should walk on the right hand side of the hallway, do not yell, and if you are going at a slow pace allow room for others to pass you. 


Why is it important to show respect to people?

Everyone wants to be treated with respect and you are more likely to be treated respectfully in turn if you are. 


Why did we take the time to make ground rules as a group instead of just giving them to you?

Because we care about your opinions, and the rules need to be something everyone agrees on and creates as a class. 


Why is PGC a class? What is the purpose?

PGC is created to help freshmen in their transition from middle school to high school, to give them a safe space to talk and ask questions and to provide support and guidance from their older peers.