Which building hosts both the Math Emporium, and the Math Clinic?
Higgins Hall
How do you make an appointment with Couseling services?
Call, email, or walk in and fill out the consent form
Who do you have to see each semester before you register for classes?
Your respective Advisor
What is the minimum number of credits you must take to remain eligible for housing and/or athletics?
12 Credits, must be a full time student
How long is the Winter Intersession(Winter break)?
A month (December 17th-January 17th)
Which building hosts both the Writing Center and the Tutoring center?
The Hass Library
What does The Center for Empowerment do?
They offer resources and support for students who are currently in or have been in an abusive relationship or have been victims of sexual assault/harassment
What resources can you go to if you are struggling with writing a paper?
The Writing Center, Tutoring Resources, or your professor for that class
Name one residential hall on Westside campus
Centennial Hall/Grasso Hall/Pinney Hall
What does SMART stand for in SMART Goals?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time- bound
Where can you go if you have to meet with a peer mentor?
In the first floor of Hass library, in the back of the library
What is the main online resource you can use to find clubs/events on campus?
Engage/The WOW
How many weeks are in a semster?
15 weeks (16 if counting finals week)
What do you do if you have to miss class for a match?
Email your professor at the beginning of the semester with the game schedule (or ASAP)
What sport does Nick play?
What is the name of the current WCSU Interm President?
Dr. Manohar Singh
What does SGA stand for?
Student Government Association
What is called you leave a class after the initial add/drop period?
What is the minimum GPA a student athlete needs to be eligible for sports?
A minimum GPA of 2.00
What sport does Adriana do?
Where is IHHS (Institute for Holistic Health) center located?
The first floor of White hall
What does PAC stand for?
Programs Activities Council
What is the total number of credits you have to complete in order to graduate in four years?
120 Credits, or around 15 a semester
Which WCSU team recently won their LEC Conference?
Men's Soccer
What is the name of the current WCSU mascot?
Wally the Wolf