Basic Information
What does peer pressure really mean?
Recognize It
Define Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure is when someone your age influences you to negatively do something.
Name three things that people can influence you with peer pressure
Smoke, drugs, disrupt the class, taste in music, hairstyles, answers will vary, To fit in, look cool, to not lose friends.
What is the most common strategy for dealing with peer pressure?
Say NO
Give me an example of positive peer pressure
Answers may vary. Example is someone trying to get you to study or do your homework.
List 3 reasons people give in to peer pressure.
To look cool, To fit in, Everyone else is doing it, To feel popular, To come across as better than others.

True or False: People can influence each other without even speaking. 

True. The way people dress and what they choose for activities influences others. Like, playing video games or wearing specific clothing brands. 


Name two different types of peer pressure

Spoken Peer Pressure, Unspoken Peer Pressure, Direct Peer Pressure, Indirect Peer Pressure, Negative Peer Pressure, Positive Peer Pressure


Why is peer pressure more common in teens than adults?

Teens tend to go more along with their peers to overcome their on fears that involve risky behavior and to experiment with things they have never tried. Adults are less prone to experimentation because they have already experienced things that young people have and their frontal lobe of the brain is fully developed.


A good way to handle peer pressure is to:

A) Use Humor

B) Make Up An Excuse

C) Walk Away

D) Just Say No

E) All of the Above

E) All of the Above


what is the difference between direct peer pressure and indirect peer pressure?

Indirect peer pressure: is when your friends said something, and you overheard it 

Direct peer pressure: is when someone directly tells you to do something, most of the time its negative like drinking alcohol or doing drugs.  


Name 2 ways how you can resist peer pressure?

Understand your own values and beliefs, Talk to a trusted adult, Don't make excuses say exactly how you feel, Have self confidence, Choose your friends wisely


When people hear the word peer pressure, they anomaly think of something........


What is the term that is the result or effect of the decisions and choices we make?

True or False: Girls experience more peer pressure than boys. 29% of girls felt pressure about their body image vs 11% of boys felt pressured. 

false, 32% of girls feel pressure about their body image vs 19% of boys feel pressured.

What strategy is used when you tell someone something like No thanks, I have been smoking since kindergarten and I have finally kicked the habit.
Unsing Humor