What is Peer Pressure?
Being influenced by peers to act or behave a certain way.
What is something that people often become pressured into doing?
Stealing, lying, bullying, etc.
What is spoken peer pressure?
People asking, suggesting, or persuading you to do something.
Ex: Let's go steal something.
Come on I know you want to go to the party with us
True or False: It is only bullying if you hurt someone physically
Several students are saying unkind things about another student. They start urging you to join in their comments.
Give an example of peer pressure.
Ex: Stealing from a store to "fit in" with your peer group.
Ex: Drinking Alcohol or Doing Drugs
Why is peer pressure hard to resist?
You want to fit in with peers or don't want to be made fun of for being different.
What is unspoken peer pressure?
Things that you are exposed to and choose to follow
Ex: Picking fashion choices based on those around you
Joining groups (teams, cliques, clubs)
Can you feel positive and negative emotions at the same time? If yes, give an example
I can feel happy for someone else, but upset for myself
Your best friend wants you to go somewhere that could be interesting, but dangerous (e.g., to a flooded creek to watch the water).
Is there such a thing as positive peer pressure? Give an example.
Yes. Ex: Peers who are committed to doing well in school can influence others to be more goal oriented.
Yes. Ex: Peers asking you to do better for yourself.
What should you do if your friends did something that you don't agree with?
Stand up for your beliefs and be honest.
What is direct peer pressure?
Spoken or unspoken pressure.
This is on-the-spot decisions.
Ex: Someone handing you a cup of alcohol
What is bullying?
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior towards others. It can be physical or verbal.
A group of friends all get jobs after school, and they convince you to get a job too because it's fun to have spending money.
Give an example of how negative peer pressure can affect you.
Ex: You can get into trouble or put yourself and others at risk.
Have you ever pressured a friend into doing something positive or negative?
Give an example.
What is indirect peer pressure?
Influence that is low key.
Something you learn or overhear
Ex: You hear someone gossiping about something and act in order to gain acceptance
Share a time when you were pressured by peers to do something
You’re at the store, wishing you had enough money for some candy. Your friend says, “Just take it! It’s no big deal. The clerk’s not even looking.”
What does it mean to be independent?
To have your own set of values and beliefs and not be subject to control by others.
How can you say "no" to peer pressure?
Give an example.
What is negative peer pressure and positive peer pressure?
Things done that is not in your best interest.
Ex: Smoking, drinking, stealing, skipping school
Things that are done in your best interest.
Ex: Getting good grade, getting a job, improving behavior
Were you ever bullied before? What happened? What did you do?
What is the difference between positive and negative peer pressure? Give an example of each.
One is in your best interest.
One is not in your best interest.