What is peer pressure?
When people your age try to influence your choices.
Is encouraging a friend to study for a test positive or negative peer pressure?
What is one way to say no to peer pressure?
"No, thanks. That’s not for me."
Why is it important to make your own choices?
So you can be yourself and make decisions that are right for you.
Can peer pressure be both good and bad?
Is pressuring someone to break a rule positive or negative peer pressure?
If someone keeps pressuring you, what should you do?
Walk away or get help from an adult.
What should you do if a friend pressures you to do something you don’t want to do?
Politely refuse and explain your choice
Give an example of peer pressure.
Answer: Answers will vary, e.g., A friend asking you to cheat on a test.
Your friends all wear the same kind of shoes, but you like a different pair. Should you follow them?
no, you should make your own choice
What can you do if you feel nervous saying no?
Practice power statements and stay confident.
How can you help a friend who is facing peer pressure?
Support them and remind them to make their own choices
What should you do if you feel uncomfortable with peer pressure?
Say no, walk away, or talk to a trusted adult.
A classmate dares you to say something mean. What should you do?
Say no and choose kindness
Why is it important to say no to bad peer pressure?
To stay true to your values and make smart choices
What is one way to stay confident in your choices?
Remember your values and practice saying no