Role of a Peer Support
Supporters Role
Define Me!
It's All About the Skills

Tax Fraud is subject to mandatory reporting.

True or False



Recovery is supported by the...

family, friends, other loved ones, community, and agency/facility staff.


A co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis is generally defined as...

A mental health disorder and substance use disorder with drugs &/or alcohol.


Personal advocacy is...

(2 answers 100 points each)

The act of speaking or acting on behalf of oneself.

Personal accountability.


An effective way for Peer Specialists to bring about change in the community

Share their recovery story at conferences, recovery meetings, church, and other events and venues.


During a staff meeting, you hear a coworker describe your client's behavior as "loony" and laugh about it. As a member of the team, you should...

Respectfully challenge their comments and use this as a teachable moment.


The dynamic nature of recovery begins when the client realizes that recovery is _______ and ________.

Possible and achievable


A dual relationship is when...

A Peer Support Specialist (or other staff) has both a professional and personal relationship with the client.


Individual advocacy is...

A person who speaks or acts on behalf of another person.


What are mandatory reporting guidelines...

Laws that require Peer Support Specialists to report suspected issues with reasonable cause that include abuse, maltreatment, or neglect of a minor, senior, or other vulnerable person. To include situations such as death as a result of maltreatment or sudden and unexpected death of an individual in a person's care.


If a peer asks for counseling/therapy resources, the Peer Support Specialist should do these steps.

Offer for them to meet with an in-house counselor 

Refer them to a partnering facility/agency that has those services.

Help them research counseling/therapy services either locally or online.


How do Peer Support Specialists build trust with a Peer?

(3 answers, each worth 100 points)

Encouraging and placing confidence in the peers they serve

Taking action on or starting something that we say we will do

Following through to the end things we say we are going to do


Using strengths as a resource to assist a person to move toward their recovery is...

Strength-Based Approach


Emotional intelligence involves...

(3 answers, each worth 100 points)

Ability to recognize your own emotions and the emotional state of others

Influencing others by engaging them in a positive way

Building upon your strengths and self-confidence


Most support pairing should start within _____ days.



A Peer Support Specialist should understand the impact of ________ in recovery.



Emphasizing the person rather than their symptoms is called ________.

Person first language


Sympathy is _______.

Empathy is ________.

(Each worth 200 points)

To feel pity or sorrow

The ability to understand, perceive, and feel another person's feelings. *Putting oneself in another's shoes*


To actively listen, one must...

Limit distractions and Listen to Learn NOT respond


When should Peer Support Specialists share details of a conversation with other agency staff? 

When there is a concern for the Peers or anyone else's safety.

When the conversation goes into the realm of mandatory reporting guidelines.

When the Peer Support Specialist feels unsafe or uncomfortable with the engagement.


Peer Support Specialists provide a hopeful outlook by...

Giving reassurance and providing encouragement


Acceptance and support regardless of what the person says or does is _________.

Unconditional positive regard or non-judgement


Motivational Interviewing is...

Evidence-based practice in the treatment of individuals. Focusing on exploring and resolving ambivalence and centers on motivational processes within the individual to facilitate change.


An effective way for a Peer Support Specialist to bring about positive change within the organization they work for is...

Share your story of recovery with co-workers as well as clients.


What is the evidence-based model?

1. Discovery Research

2. Evidence Summary

3. Translation to guidelines

4. Practice integration

5. Process and outcome evaluation