Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships
Dating Rights
Types of relationships
Peer pressure

A healthy relationship can sometimes be controlling manipulative or jealous? True or False?

What is: False


Which is your dating right? 

A.To set your own limits

B.To end your relationship

C.To be equal

D.All of the above

What is: D all of the above


A significant relationship between two people?

What is a friendship


The influence that people your age may have on you?

What is peer pressure


When people disagree on an issue, or can’t get along well?

What is conflict


Always doing what your friends/BF/GF wants to do is considered what kind of relationship?

What is:Unhealthy


When can you end your relationship with someone?

A.Only if you have a good reason

B.Only when you don’t feel safe

C.For any reason at any time

What is: C For any reason at anytime


Someone you share interest with but not a strong emotional bond?

What is a casual friendship/associate/acquaintance


Peers influencing you in positive ways is?

What is positive peer pressure


Is conflict the same as fighting?

What is: No, conflict is not the same as fighting.


It is ok for your friends to make you feel guilty for ending any relationship true or false?

What is: False


You have the right to set your limits. What does that Mean?

A.You can say “NO“ to anything (Touch, showing things, showing things on phone etc)

B.You can decide to do something in one relationship and then don‘t do the same thing in your next relationship

C.You can have privacy whenever you want away from your partner

D.All of the above

What is: D All of the above


A friendship with someone of the opposite gender which there is affection, but the two people are not a couple?

What is a Platonic friendship


An indirect or dishonest way to control or influence other people?

What is manipulation


What are unhealthy ways to deal with conflict?

What is: Yelling, kicking, screaming, and cursing. Making memes about the person, name calling, and/or making post about someone on social media.


Name one characteristic of a healthy relationship?

Being respectful, safety, equality, support, individuality, fairness, acceptance, trust, good comminication


Grace and Carl are dating. Grace told Carl he should only text and email grace. He can‘t contact his friends or his parents. What is wrong with this?

A.Carl should also be telling Grace the same thing

B.Carl has the right to contact whoever he wants whenever he wants

C.Grace is right, Carl should listen to what Grace wants

What is: B Carl has the right to contact whoever he wants whenever he wants


A small circle of friends usually with the same background or taste?

What is a Clique


A friend encourages you to skip school and tells you that they have a vape pen and how the both of you should skip school to try out the vape pen. What type of peer pressure is this?

What is negative peer pressure


Using “I“ statements and talking about your own feelings are?

What is healthy ways to deal with conflict


If the person you are dating is always telling you how to look to wear make up or certain clothes, to look nice or they won’t be seen with you. Is that verbal, emotional or mental abuse?

What is: All of them


True or False: Unhealthy relationships only happen when one person makes the other person mad?

What is: False Unhealthy relationships happen because one person wants to have power and control over the other person.


Excluding means….

What is when someone does not let another person into their circle of friends based on prejudice and stereotypes


A friend encourages you to try out for a sports team? What type of peer pressure is this?

What is positive peer pressure


True or false you can have internal conflict?

What is True