Appropriate use of Humour
Convo Skills
Being a Team Player
Get Togethers
All about Friends

Name 3 types of jokes we should avoid. 

1. Avoid insult jokes

2. Avoid dirty jokes

3. Avoid inside jokes with people who don't get them


Asking someone about themselves and sharing about yourself is called...

Trading Information. 


How should you end a game.

Say, "Good Game".


What are the 5 steps in planning a get together?

The 5 W's:

  • WHO is going to be there

  • WHAT you’re going to do

  • WHERE you’re going to do the get together

  • WHEN you’re going to get together

  • HOW the get together is going to happen


Name 3 characteristics of a good friendship. 

Answers could be: 

  • Sharing of common interests

  • Kindness and caring

  • Support

  • Loyalty

  • Honesty and trust

  • Equality

  • Conflict resolution


Even if you don't find a joke is funny, what is something we can do to be polite?

Give a courtesy Laugh


You are in a conversation with someone should you...

a) share the conversation

b) lead and control the conversation

a) share the conversation


Provide 1 example of giving verbal and and 1 example of giving physical praise. 

Answers may vary


What are the 4 steps in preparing for a get together?

1. Clean

2. Finalize Plans

3. have drinks and snacks

4. put away personal items 


Where can we make friends? (list 3 options)

Answers could be: 

School, Sports teams, arts clubs, work


You are in the middle of class and you teacher has given you time to work on your group project. You think of a joke about how weird the group project is and you want to share it with the group.

True or False: This is a good time to share the joke.

False. The joke is not time appropriate as you are in class. 


How do you assess another persons interest in a conversation?

  • Are they participating in the conversation (talking to you, asking questions)?

  • Are they making eye contact?

  • Are they trying to walk away?

  • What is their body language saying? (are they facing you or facing away?


Name two things you shouldn't do during a sports game in order to be a good sportsman. 

1. Don't referee during a game

2. Don't be a coach/boss people around. 


Name 3 things to do at the beginning of a get together?

Answers could be:

  1. Greet your guests

  2. Invite them in

  3. Introduce them to anyone they don’t know

  4. Show them around

  5. Offer snacks/drinks

  6. Ask them what they want to do


Name the 4 types of friendships

Acquaintances, Casual friends, Regular friends, best friends


Name 4 humour feedback signs that someone is laughing at you. 

Answers could be:

Laugh and roll their eyes, Look at someone else and then laugh, Laugh before the joke is over, Long pause before they laugh, Laugh and make a face, Laugh and point at you, Laugh and shake their head no to someone else 


An excuse that you provide to a person to enter or leave a conversation. 

A Cover Story


How might someone feel if you gloat about winning?

it might the other person feel bad and not want to play with you again. 


Name 3 things you shouldn't do during a get together.

Answers could be:

  • Don’t invite other people unexpectedly

  • Don’t ignore your friends

  • Don’t tease your friends

  • Don’t argue with your friends

  • Don’t police your friends


Fill in the blank: Friendship is a _______.



Name 5 humour feedback signs that someone is laughing with you.

Answers could be:

Laugh and smile 

Compliment your joke or sense of humor 

Laugh and nod their head yes 

They say, “That’s a good one” and smile 

They say, “You’re funny” and smile 

Ask you to tell another joke 

Say, “I’ll have to remember that one.” 

They start telling jokes 


Name a reason why someone may turn down a conversation and what you should do as a result?

Answers may vary. 


If you get bored during a game what should you do?

Kindly suggest a new game or activity when you are done with the next play or at the end of the game. 

Name 3 steps in ending a get together.

Answers could be:

  1. Wait for a pause in activities

  2. Give a cover story for ending the get together

  3. Walk friend to the door

  4. Thank your friend for getting together

  5. Tell your friend you had a good time

  6. Say goodbye and you’ll see them later


Name 3 signs you have been accepted by your peers. A

Answers may vary.