ROWI Rules
PEERS Lessons
Roleplay/Act it out
Random Trivia
Whatcha know about me?

Can you bring your own food/drinks into program?

No! We provide snacks/treat outings though (:


What are friendships based on?

Common Interests! (:


You see a peer you have never talked to before sitting alone at lunch. Roleplay how you could make friends with them using PEER rules of conversation.

Ex: build rapport by asking open-end questions, compliment them, ask them to join lunch with you and your friends, etc.


How many Harry Potter books and movies are there?

7 books, 8 movies!

(Bonus points if you can name them all!)


What's my favorite dog breed?

Pug (:


Is it OK to ask for a break, if you have already tried using a coping skill in group and feel like you need additional support from staff?

Yes! It is encouraged!


What should we consider when using humor with new people?

Humor should be age appropriate, context appropriate, as well as avoiding "inside jokes", repeat jokes, insulting joke, sexist jokes, etc.


Act out a two-way conversation between peers where one person is not receptive to the other. 

For the group: How could we tell that the other person was not reciprocating the conversation? (ex: not responding/short responses, lacking eye contact, rolling their eyes, etc.)


What is the human body's largest organ?



Where was my first official job?

Smart & Final Extra!


What is an example of an article of clothing that is NOT appropriate to wear to program? (Breaks dresscode)

Flip-flops, pajama pants, crop tops, revealing shirts/shorts, explicit content printed on clothing, etc.


Should teens use the internet or social media to make new in-person friends?

No! (Why?)


Roleplay a situation where a peer is attempting to join in on a group conversation and they are accepted.

To the group: How could you tell that the person was accepted by the group? What did the person do well and what could the person do better in the future?


What was the first state in the United States?



What sport did I not do as a kid?

a) soccer

b) gymnastics

c) ice hockey

d) softball

d) softball 


Are allowed to share contact/social media information with peers?

Not until/if BOTH people have successfully graduated from IOP. 


What is an "I" vs. a "You" statement and which should be used when handling disagreements?

Example: "I feel frustrated when my feelings are heard or acknowledged" vs. "You make me feel frustrated when you ignore my feelings".

("I" statements reduce hostility and defensiveness, where "you" statements can provoke anger and blame)

Act out a situation where a peer is bringing up a disagreement with you and you are not in a good mood/becoming elevated in the moment. What would PEERS recommend that you do?
Attempt to "keep it cool" by using a coping skill in the moment (ex: deep breathing). If unable to stay calm, ask to have the conversation at a different time and follow through.

What is Mickey Mouse's original name?

Mortimer Mouse


I have two cats, what are their names?

Joy and Moe Moe 


Are we allowed to discuss any topic in group as long as we say "trigger warning" beforehand?

Not necessarily! There are certain topics that should be reserved for individual therapy sessions only. 

Please ask a staff member if you are not sure if you should share something before bringing it up in group.


Which option is NOT a rule of good sportsmanship?

a) don't be a coach

b) let the other person win

c) don't be overly competitive 

d) play by the rules

B - let the other person win

Why is this not a rule?


Act out a get-together with a new peer and it is not going well. How can you end the outing/inning the PEERS appropriate way?

Remain respectful, use a brief cover story to end or leave the event, don't tell the person you want to hang out again if you don't really mean it.


What does the term Nomophobia mean?

The fear of being without a mobile phone or unable to use it.


What did I want to be when I grew up? (elementary/middle school)

A pastry chef


What is HIPAA & and how do we comply with it in program?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996)

Protect the confidentiality of others by not sharing information about clients to others outside of program.


What are the 5 phases of get-togethers?

Planning, Preparing, Beginning, During, & Ending


Roleplay a situation where a peer relays to you that someone is spreading rumors/gossip about you. How should you respond bases on PEERS recommendations?

"I can’t believe anyone would believe that”, “People are so gullible”, “People will believe anything”, “Can you believe anyone cares about that?”, “People need to get a life/hobby”, “People need to find something interesting to talk about”

What is the National Animal of Scotland?
the Unicorn!

What celebrity did I have twitter beef with?

a) Elon Musk

b) Doja Cat

c) Riff Raff 

d) Abbey Lee Miller

Riff Raff (January 13th, 2014)