TRUE OR FALSE: You should use tease-the-tease strategy with someone who is verbally teasing/ bullying. 



Which country hosted the recent Summer Olympics 2024?

a) France

b) Japan

c) Canada

d) England

a) France


TRUE or FALSE: If your friend has come over, you should make decisions for the games you play, & how you play those games.


(It is recommended that you let your friend decide from the options available, or allow them to suggest first)


TRUE or False: It is always a good sign if someone laughs at your jokes.



If you try to join a conversation and the people ignore you:  

a) Slip out of the conversation (Walk away)

b) Make sure they can hear you   (Stay with them)

a) Slip out of the conversation (Walk away)


When people are not playing by the rules, you should:  

a) Nicely remind them what the rules are  

b) Do not referee them (tell them what to do)

b) Do not referee them (tell them what to do) 

Instead, next time you play go over the rules of the game so that everyone is on the same page. 


The most important thing to remember when having a conversation with another person is to:

A) Let the other person speak all the time. 

B) Trade information

C) Make sure they are laughing and smiling.

B) Trade information (Ask the other person about themself, and share something related about yourself)


When a friend accuses you of doing something you did not do:  

a) Blame them for what happened

b) Say you are sorry that this happened   

c) Explain your side until he or she believes you 

b) Say you are sorry that this happened  


This element, essential for life, has the chemical symbol O.


Which animal is known for black- skinned fur balls?

a) Monkey

b) Polar Bear

c) Black Bear

d) Chimpanzee

b) Polar Bear


Which bird is known as surfing birds?

a) Parrot

b) Flamingo

c) Duck

d) Blue Whale

c) Duck


One of the rules for having a two-way conversation is to:  

a) Be an interviewer (ask question after question)  

b) Do not be an interviewer

b) Do not be an interviewer


Where was lasagna invented? 

a) Philippines

b) China

c) Italy

d) Greece

d) Greece


Where did poutine originate?

Quebec, Canada


What are some rules of phone calls or text messages?

Use cover stories

Avoid cold calling 

Use the two messages rule

Do not get too personal 


How do you use internet safely?

Internet Safety Tips:

  • Never give your personal information out online

  • Never agree to meet with a stranger from the Internet

  • Do not accept invitations to be “friends” with strangers on social networking sites

  • Use privacy settings so that people who do not know you cannot access your account


What do bullies do to other kids/ people?

  • Physically attack them, get into fights, threaten to beat them up (e.g., hit, push, kick, spit, slap)

  • Verbally attack them, tease them, make fun of them, spread rumours about them

  • Financially exploit them, steal from them, “borrow” money

  • Take advantage of them, steal things, make them do things for them


What are some ways you can show you have good sportsmanship skills?

  • Praise your friend

  • Do not referee

  • Do not be a coach

  • Share and take turns

  • If you get bored, suggest a change

  • Do not gloat if you win

  • Do not sulk or get angry if you lose

  • At the end of the game, say good game


What can you do when you are the target of the gossip?

1. Do not show you are upset.

2. Do not confront the source of the gossip. 

3. avoid the source of the gossip.

4. Act amazed.

5. Spread a rumor about yourself.


This popular social media platform is known for its short, looping videos and trends.

Tik Tok


How can you handle bullying/ a bully?

1. Lay Low

2. Avoid Bully

3. Do not provoke the bully

4. Hangout with other people

5. If you are in danger - get help from an adult


What are some rules of having a TWO-WAY conversation? (List at least 5)

  • 1. Trade Information

  • 2.  Answer your own question

  • 3. Share the conversation

  • 4. Do not get too personal at first

  • 5. Ask open-ended questions

  • 6. Ask follow- up questions

  • 7. Do not be a conversation hog

  • 8. Do not be an interviewer

  • 9. Do not be repetitive

  • 10. Listen to your friend

  • 11. Do not criticize or tease

  • 12. Be serious

  • 13. Use good volume control

  • 14. Have good body boundaries

  • 15. Face the person you are talking to


What are some ways you can avoid being the target of gossip?

1. Avoid being friends with gossips (people who gossip)

2. Do not provoke the gossips

3. Do not spread rumors about other people


What are the steps of handling disagreements?

1. Keep your cool

2. Listen to the other person first.

3. Repeat (rephrase) what the other person said

4. Explain your side.

5. Say you are sorry.

6. Try to solve the problem.


How can you tell when you are
not accepted by group.

  • Laugh or make fun of you

  • Ignore you

  • Do not accept your calls or respond back to your e-mails

  • Do not accept your invitation to events

  • Put off your invitation to things (i.e., “Let’s do that sometime” but never really follow through)

  • Do not accept your friend requests

  • Do not invite you to do things