The DATING Game!
The Mystery of History
Brrr... It's Cold in Here - Ice Age
Paleolithic Picassos
Culture Icons

This type of dating can only be used on things that used to be alive.

Radiocarbon Dating


What is the name of people who study history?



Who are some ice age megafauna we know about?

Wooly mammoths, giant sloths, giant elk, reindeer


Which two colors are most cave paintings? Where did those colors come from?

Red and Black. They came from rocks.


How did megafauna become extinct?

Humans overhunting and habitats changing.


If you were trying to figure out how old a coin is and it has a date engraved on it, which type of dating would be the best method to use?

Absolute Dating


What is the study of the past based on the things people left behind?



How do we know that the now-extinct animals of the ice age did actually exist?

Scientists and archaeologists have discovered fossils and frozen parts of animals from the ice age. They used radiocarbon dating and other dating methods to identify how old ice age animals are.


What are two methods early humans used to create cave paintings?

Cave paintings were created by engraving in stone or painting on stone.


What are the two theories of how people first travelled to the Americas?

They travelled by land bridges and they travelled by boat.


What are the two types of Scientific Dating?

Dendrochronology and Radiocarbon Dating


How are primary sources and secondary sources different?

Primary sources are sources from people who were a first-hand witness or a part of the history being studied. Secondary sources are from people who have studied or hear about those events from other people.


Why would fire be so important to early humans?

Fire was an important survival tool. It could be used to create heat for humans to survive cold temperatures and for cooking food.


What are the most common images shown in cave paintings?

Animals that early humans interacted with, and tracings of human hands.


Why is it important to study culture in history?

Learning about the past helps us understand the present and predict the future.


What are the two types of cultural dating?

Absolute Dating and Relative Dating


What is the difference between historians and archaeologists?

Historians study information about history, and archaeologists study artifacts and fossils that tell them about history. 


How did land bridges develop during the Ice Age?

The water on earth was evaporated from the oceans and frozen in glaciers on land.


What are two theories about why Paleolithic people created cave paintings?

Hunting good luck, religious ceremonies, community/culture/art


Why were Paleolithic people nomads?

They moved around and didn't stay in one place because they didn't want to run out of food and resources in one place.


What are the names of the two dating methods archaeologists use to determine age?

Cultural Dating and Scientific Dating


What are some benefits of studying history?

Studying history can help you learn about other cultures, understand the present, and help predict the future.


How did land bridges impact humans?

Humans followed the megafauna across the land bridges and expanded the places they could live around the world.


What do cave paintings tell us about Paleolithic humans?

They show their relationship with the environment, their artistic abilities, and the animals they hunted


What time of year would conflict have been most common for Paleolithic people? Why?

Winter had the most conflict because everyone would fight for the same small food sources and warmth.