This hat is Sarah.
This hat is Sarah's.
These are mine/my flowers.
my flowers
It's his jumper.
Whose jumper is it/this?
To są drogie rękawiczki
These gloves are expensive.
Czyj to pasek?
Whose belt is it/this?
These gloves are your.
These gloves are yours.
These are our/ours clothes.
our clothes.
They're Sue's trainers.
Whose trainers are they/these?
Te spodnie są za ciasne.
These trousers are too tight.
Popatrz na metkę!
Look at the label!
This sandwich is my.
This sandwich is mine.
This wallet is her/hers.
wallet is hers.
It's my watch.
Whose watch is it/this?
Założę dres na plac zabaw.
I'm going to wear tracksuit to the playground.
Nie zamierzam brac tej taniej bransoletki
I'm not going to take this cheap bracelet.
This ball is Tom.
This ball is Tom's / This is Tom's ball.
This is his/he book.
his book
They're Maria's gloves.
Whose gloves are they/these.
Ten staromodny zegarek jest taty.
This old-fashioned watch is dad's.
Podoba mi się ten kolorowy strój kąpielowy.
I like this colourful swimsuit.
These trousers is his.
These trousers are his.
This watch is his/him.
watch is his
It's Steph's bracelet.
Whose bracelet is it/this?
Zamierzasz założyć tę kwiecistą sukienkę?
Are you going to wear this floral dress?
Te buty nie są wystarczjąco duże.
These shoes aren't big enough.