Penn Culture
Penn History
Penn Landmarks
Penn RHS By The Numbers

This superstition is said to lead towards failing your midterms 

What is walking across the compass on Locust Walk


The Founding Father that once served as the President of the University 

Who is Benjamin Franklin 


The friendly face of a Founding Father that can be seen from Locust Walk

What is Ben on The Bench 


The number of College Houses on campus 

What is 13


The University's independent student media organization covering news about Penn and the Philadelphia area 

What is The Daily Pennsylvanian


The largest, and oldest, track and field competition of its kind hosted annually at Franklin Field 

What is the Penn relays


The modern sculpture that lies in the center of campus, and occasionally on clothing

What is the Split Button 


The number of Move In carts on campus 

What is approximately 1,100


The "All of Me" singer/songwriter that was a member of Penn Counterparts the A Capella group on campus from 1994-1999

Who is John Legend


The first general purpose electronic computer, originally announced in 1946 came from The Moore School of Electrical Engineering, now part of The School of Engineering and Applied Science

What is the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) 


The archeology and anthropology museum located on campus at the intersection of 33rd and South Street

What is the Penn Museum 


The number of students living on campus 

What is approximately 6,500


The tradition, typically celebrated at football games, salutes "dear Old Penn" in a play on words 

What is throwing toast 


Penn was the first institution to be labeled in this category in 1779 

What is a University 


The large red structure found near Hamilton Walk that goes by a few names

What is the Covenant 


The number of on campus dining locations 

What is 14


The annual festival that has been dubbed the "largest college party on the East Coast" 

What is Spring Fling 


 The first of its kind to be established in the United States by the University of Pennsylvania in 1765

What is a medical school 


The sculpture project that transforms Woodland Walk into a landscaped gateway to campus, commemorating a history of Women’s involvement at Penn 

What is 125 Years 


The percentage that takeout container usage has decreased since 2013 with the Green 2 Go program

What is 99.3%