Downtown food place that no longer exists
Sheetz ily
Gives taylor free roots
Zach crawley
Game that sits outside of 506 apartment on the grass.
in my…
Body ody ahh
Fried chicken sandwiches.
Matt Flannery
Bus that brings u back to the baseball field
From Maryland and has a roommate who went to jail
Best party we threw
Hit their face and no one has any idea what happened
Brigid Anders
Correct wake-up time for a noon game
Name of the classroom building Natalie had RHS 100 in and sara had 3 back to back classes in sophomore year
Told a girl we are friends with “ everything in this world is bad, but you are the good”
Natalie fell off their porch
Across the street neighbors
Door that was knocked down by a someone in this room
Natalie’s closet door
Brigid makes us (just Natalie and Dylan?) do every gameday involves drinking
Cooler shotgun
Name of the dorm hall Natalie lived in freshman year
Went to jail for hunting in state game lands
Danny Stanton
The amount of people (give or take) who came to Halloween party
Left the stove on while boiling water and got kicked awake
Parent that watched sara and Dylan attempt to make a pizza ( katie ended up taking it out )
Mr. Zoglio
Dylan can’t pick this one: Name of Dylan’s freshman year roommate
danced in taylor and sara’s freshman year room and still a rare reoccurring person
Who had to excuse themselves from Dylan’s family tailgates
Party Dylan herself to bed because she blacked out
Took fireball shooters with Dylan’s cousins, Hayden Tyrell, and others
Blue and white S24