"In the beginning"
What does "Genesis" mean?
What is the name God revealed to Moses through a burning bush?
Instruction for how to live and please God
What are the main themes in the book of Leviticus?
Because there were two censuses (counting God's people)
Where does the book of Numbers get its name?
The second law.
What does "Deuteronomy" mean?
The only thing God made in His own image.
What are people?
Pharaoh and God both did.
Who hardened Pharaoh's heart?
A once a year celebration, where the priests use two goats to make restitution for Israel's sin. It was the only day of the year the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies.
What is the Day of Atonement?
For 40 years.
How old Moses was when he died (take a guess!)
Around 120 years old!
The promise God made after flooding the earth--to never start over humanity again.
God gave it to him on Mt. Sinai.
A way of becoming clean when you sinned
What is the making an animal sacrifice?
Because the first generation grumbled and sinned in the wilderness.
Why was only the second generation allowed into the Promise Land?
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (Deuteronomy 6:5)
What is the Greatest Commandment?
Ishmael, who's mother is Hagar.
Who is Abraham's first born son?
How the Angel knew which houses to pass over in Egypt
Painting of blood on the door frame.
The author of the Pentateuch
Who is Moses?
A wicked prophet riding a donkey who was paid to go curse the Israelites (and then the donkey talked to him!!)
Who is Balaam? (Check out Numbers 22 - 24)
Moses ordains him to be the next leader of Israel.
Who is Joshua?
People involved in the first murder
Who are Cain and Abel?
Moses broke the stone tablets, had 3,000 people killed, made them drink the ashes, and prayed for the people.
What was Moses' reaction to Israel creating the Golden Calf?
This is the word for God which means perfect or set apart
What is "Holy"?
When the people were whining and complaining, God sent venomous snakes which bit them. How did some recover?
They looked at a statue of a bronze snake on a pole
A reminder (second telling) of God's laws