This person has a brand named after it is called "Air Jordan"
Michael Jordan
This person plays on the egals
Jaylen Hurrts
I love this teacher
Mrs. simmons
This is my cousin
this brand is very popular
This person is known as the chef
Steph Curry
This person was at this years super bowl
Patrick Mahomes
I don't like this teacher
coach slayton
this is my best friend
this brand is popular but not popular
This person has celebration called "Dame Time"
Dameon Lilard
This person First name is the same name as samuel middle name
Lamar Jackson
Im starting to like this teacher
i been talking to this person alot
I get all my shoes of this brand
stock x
This person is known as the Greek Freak
Gannis Antetokopo
This person was in the super bowl to
Chritan Mcafry
this teacher has been getting on my nerves
ms whaley
this is my go to teamate
This a basketball player brand
This person is known as the king of basketball
Lebron James
This person is on the minnesota vigings.
Justin jefferson
This teacher has a gyat
This person is in ms whaley class
I want a hoddie from this brand