What is the second part of the Mass during which the bread and wine truly becomes the Body and Blood of Christ?
Liturgy of the Eucharist
What is the place where the Word of God is proclaimed?
The Ambo
What is the object placed on the altar or next to it. It reminds us of Jesus' Death and Resurrection
A crucifix
What is called "The Lords Prayer"?
The Our Father
What are the Introductory Rites?
Entrance procession, sign of the cross and greeting, penitential act, gloria and collect.
What are the small bottles containing the water and the wine poured into the chalice?
What we respond after "The Lord be with you"?
And with your Spirit.
What is one of the two main parts of the Mass, during which we hear God's Word from the Bible and reflect on what it means for our lives.
Liturgy of the Word
What is the name of the gold plate that the Eucharist and those of the assembly are placed on?
What is the lamp that is near the tabernacle and is constantly lit to remind us that Christ is always present?
The sanctuary lamp
What do we respond to "Lift up your hearts"
We lift them up to the Lord.
Where we find the First Reading, Psalm and Second on the Bible?
Old Testament
What is the sacred vessel contains the consecrated Hosts that are distributed during Communion
What represents the wine and the water poured into the chalice?
Wine represents Jesus' divinity and the water symbolizes Jesus' humanity.
What is the complete change of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus?
Transubstantiation or Consecration
Who reads the day's reading called "The Gospel" and then explains it at the Homily.
The priest or deacon
What is a small, locked box where consecrated Hosts are kept?
What is covered the altar with?
White altar cloth.