
This branded component must be included at the beginning and end of every client interaction with The RealReal.

What is thanking the client for contacting The RealReal?


This was provided to the client to assure them that their issues would be looked into and resolved.

Answer: What is reassurance?


When addressing a client, the agent must use this throughout the interaction to maintain a personalized touch.

Answer: What is the correct name(s) and titles?


This prompt action was taken to understand the underlying problem quickly.

Answer: What is discovering the ‘root of the issue’?


This element must be followed by agents in their signature to align with their role for all external communications.

Answer: What is the signature template?


These skills were used when needed to manage challenging situations with clients.

Answer: What are de-escalation skills?


This component must be mentioned in the final exchange but should not convey negative sentiment toward The RealReal.

Answer: What is the survey acknowledgment?


This type of appeasement, which includes an appropriate amount and expiration date, was provided when appropriate.

Answer: What is courtesy site credit?


For inquiries related to this group, acknowledgment of their tier must be included in the greeting or the closing of the interaction.

Answer: Who are consignors?


This is required for out-of-policy accomodations, exceptions, or approval for adjustments & site credits after a certain thresholds.

Answer: What is Leadership Approval?