ATA's previous address
(before they moved to Mcdougall)
What is ATA's previous address?
ATA's previous address is 4001 Miller st.
The number of prophets mentioned by name in the Quran
how many prophets are there that were mentioned by name in the Quran?
Popular tik tok meme, Fill in the blank: what word should go in the statement for:
"Oh no, our ___ is broken."
"Oh no, our TABLE is broken."
The most popular social media app of 2021
What is the most popular social media app of 2021?
The total amount of seniors in this years class of 2022
What are the total amount of seniors in this year's class of 2022?
The total amount of seniors in this years class of 2022 is 24
The first year of senior graduates on the school's website was class of
On the school's website, what was the first year of senior graduates?
The first year of senior graduates on the school's website was class of 1992-1993
the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has had this total amount of wives, and their names were
How many wives did the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have? And what were their names?
1- Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
2- Sawdah bint Zam’a
3- Aishah bint Abu Bakr
4- Hafsah bint Umar ibn Al-Khattab
5- Zaynab bint Khuzaymah
6- Umm Salamah bint Abu Umayyah
7- Juwayriyah bint al-Haarith
8- Zaynab bint Jahsh
9- Ramlah Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan
10- Safiyyah bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab
11- Maymunah bint al-Haarith
Creator of the squid game series on Netflix
Who was the creator of the squid game Netflix show?
The creator of the squid game Netflix show is Hwang Dong-hyuk
The new name that facebook goes by
What is the new name facebook goes by?
First Name of seniors on the student council
What is the first name of the seniors on the student council?
First Name of seniors on the student council:
Iffat, Zayd, Nafisa, Issa, Salwa, Zainab, Ayanna and my boy Daoud yessirr
The school's phone number
what is the school's phone number?
The school's phone number is
The throne of Allah shook after the death of this sahabi. Who is it?
Sa'd bin Mua'th
The number and name of the player who created the deadly squid games in the show
What is the number and name of the player who created the deadly squid games in the show?
the old man or 'No. 001' (Yeong-su Oh)
The fastest-growing media platform of 2021
What is the fastest-growing media platform of 2021?
The homeroom teacher of the seniors class
The teacher that teaches the most for the senior class
Who is the homeroom teacher of the senior class?
Which teacher teaches the senior class the most?
Sis kamilia and Dr adlim
spell letter for letter, the non-abbreviation of ATA backwards
ymedaca gniniart salhkIi lA
The name of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) father
What was Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) father's name?
Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib
Finish the following: Never gonna give......
and by who
Fill in the blank: "Never gonna give you up, never gonna get let you down."
Rick astley
the most popular operating system software
What is the most popular operating system?
Microsoft windows
The oldest and youngest senior in this years class
Who is the oldest and youngest senior?
Ameer is the oldest
and Salam is the youngest
The total amount of students in this year's speech class
What is the total amount of students in this year's speech class?
The total amount of students in this year's speech class is 19
Three strong warriors in Islam
name three strong warriors in Islam:
Ali bin Abi Talib
Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib
Khalid ibn al-Walid
The funny old meme that goes "I like____"
The meme was made by
Fill in the blank for "I like___"
The blank is turtles
Who was the meme made by?:
Jonathon Ware
The tool you would use to reduce a size of a digital image
What tool would you use to reduce the size of a digital image
Every senior's first name in alphabetical order
What are the first names of every senior in alphabetical order?
Every senior's first name in alphabetical order:
Mohammed B
Mohammed Q