Who keeps has pets?
Athiyaman has a dog named Blacky.
Avesh has 2 cats named Kahil and Zaki
Who keeps bees?
Which animal is 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than people
Who is the Account manager for PEPCO?
James E Kyer (Jim)
Who in BMI is Married? Name at least 3 people.
Bhakti, Aakanksha, Naushad, Athiyaman, Pratap, Aslam, Avesh
Who is married? Name at least 3 people.
Steven, Jack, Marvin, Mawmita, Muhammad,
Do identical twins have the same fingerprints?
How many Change Orders has Mt. Zion had?
Who in BMI has kids? Name at least 3 people.
Naushad, Avesh, Bhakti, Aakanksha
Who has kids? Name at least 3 people.
Jim, Steven, Muhammad, Mawmita
Who was the first person to circumnavigate the globe?
Ferdinand Magellan
Which GP did we cross-sell with the Most this year?
ENS (Environmental Services)
Who has a hobby of playing Cricket? Name at least 2.
Dinesh, Naushad, Aslam, Abhijit, Sachin
Who has pets?
Jack has 2 dogs.
Cammie has 2 cats.
Hannah has a cat.
April has 2 cats.
Which element had been used to make self-luminous paints for watches, aircraft instrument dials, and other instrumentation?
It has largely been replaced by cobalt-60
Which PEPCO Project won the 2023 Vision award?
Crain Highway Emergency Transformer Replacement
Who has visited another country?
Naushad, Avesh, Abhijit
Who passed their PE exam this year?
Leo, Maria, Jacob
Who was the only female pharaoh?
What are MAR TND Sales for the year?
5,000,000 (5 Million)