This meme is essentially the literal face of the internet.
What is Pepe the frog?
The brother of the Demacia siblings
Who is Garen?
This game won Game of the Year in 2020
What is The Last of Us Part 2
This very popular shounen anime character is based off of the Chinese myth Wukong.
Who is Goku?
The thing I hate to wear the absolute most.
What are socks?
This 2020 meme is considered to have the "biggest impact" on modern society.
What is Among Us
This champion was the first to start the "200 years" trend.
Who is Aphelios?
This Pokemon in the Pokedex was the first dual type.
Who is Bulbasaur?
This Crunchyroll original is considered to be the worst anime to air, to the point it isn't even called an anime by the community.
What is High Guardian Spice?
This playable race is considered to be my favorite video game race (not in a racist sense, duh).
What are the Au'Ra?
This meme started in mid 2022, but blew up after an actor in Better Call Saul dubbed over the line.
What is "The One Piece Is Real."
Among playable Darkins, this one is ridiculed for his name.
Who is Varus?
This game experienced a second wind in 2022 due to a cartoon adaptation.
What is Cyberpunk 2077?
From a rating perspective, this is the top anime of all time.
What is Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood?
What is it that I want to do for my career?
What is an animator?
During Grandayy's 2019 Meme Awards, this was awarded Meme of the Decade.
What is "We are Number One?"
A survery was done to determine which female champion was the most apealing. To males it was Ahri. To females, it was [blank]
Who is Jinx
This game's musician hold the award for the most original pieces of music in a video game.
What is FFXIV
According to polls in Japan and America, this is what is considered to be the "Top anime (so far) of 2022"
This is the number of art of mine that either Pyro or I have posted in this server.
(Tobi-Kadachi, Feet Amogus, Liligant x Sucrose, Sadge trainer card, Penguin, Pizza Box 1, Unaga)
This meme started within the Destiny community, but began to bleed outside of it and became its own entity.
What is "The [object] stays on?"
This champion is the only one to have heterochromia in all of their skins.
Who is Zoe?
This game franchise was considered the staple for DSIware.
What is the Shantae franchise?
How many years after what is considered the first anime did the medium take off into mainstream Japanese media?
What is about 30 years?
Last time, we lore'd Pyro's demon obsession. As for me, this is I got my thing for girls with glasses.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate's Guildmarm.