Convert fractions or percents to decimals
Find percentages of whole numbers
Find tip and sales tax of a purchase
Other Percent Problems
Convert 1/2 to a decimal.
What is 0.50
This is what you get when you find 1% of 100.
What is 1

What is the total including tip of a meal that costs $13.You pay a 20% tip.

40% of students at Life want to move out of California when they grow up. If there are 500 students at Life, how many want to leave California?
Name one person on staff that attended Life Academy
Roro, Ms. Pelayo, Julie
How do you convert a percent to a decimal?
What is move the decimal to the left two places.
300% of 12
What is 36?
Find the cost including tax for a snack that costs $2.45. The tax rate is 10%. Round to the nearest cent.
Ms. Vasquez is in debt. Last month her debt was $1,000. This month her debt is 167% of that. What is her debt this month in dollars?
Name the 6th-grade teacher that has a son
Mr. Darden
Convert 23% to a decimal.
What is 0.23
What is the number of students that graduate from high school if out of every 20 students if 60% of students in California graduate?

Hint: find 60% of 20

What are 12 students?
Ms. Vasquez bought a new iPad for $950. Tax on the iPad is 11%. What is the cost with tax?
0.5% of all statistics are true. If you have a list of 1,400 statistics. How many are true?
7 statistics are true
Name the only other math teacher at the middle school, besides Vasquez
Mr. Cabana
Convert 8.5% to a decimal.
What is 0.085
Ms. Vasquez's cell phone bill was $50 last month. This month T-mobile raised her bill. The new bill is 132% of last month's. This is the cost of the new bill.
What is $66
Ms. Kelly goes to In-N-Out for the first time. She pays $13.25. She wants to tips 15%. Name the amount of the tip, then the total amount. 

Hint: Find 10% then find 5%

Tip is $1.99, total $15.24
A store paid $75 for a couch. To make a profit, the store charged 270% of the cost. What is the price tag the store puts on the couch?

A farmer is trying to cross a river. He is taking with him a rabbit, carrots and a fox, and he has a small raft. He can only bring 1 item a time across the river because his raft can only fit either the rabbit, the carrots or the fox. How does he cross the river? (You can assume that the fox does not eat the rabbit if the man is present, you can also assume that the fox and the rabbit are not trying to escape and run away)

Read more:

Step 1: Take the rabbit to the other side

Step 2: Go back and get the Fox and switch it with the Rabbit 

**The key here is that the carrots and the rabbit are not being left alone.

Step 3: Take the carrots across

Step 4: Go back and get the rabbit

Convert 0.5% to a decimal.
What is 0.005

The paletero man paid $0.75 for each Snow Storm. He made a profit by charging 200% of what he paid. This is how much he charged for each Snow Storm.

What is $1.50
Mr. Darden went out to a fancy dinner. The dinner cost $100. He tipped the waiter 20% and tax was 5%. What was the total including tip and tax?
Tip: $20  Tax:$5

Total: $125

Carlos flips a quarter 20 times. It falls on tails 30% of the time. How many times does it fall on heads?
14 heads

Two fathers and two sons sat down to eat eggs for breakfast. They ate exactly three eggs, each person had an egg. How is this possible?

One of the 'fathers' is also a grandfather. Therefore the other father is both a son and a father to the grandson.