Tips and Tax
Sale Price
Percent of Change
Review Mix
Ken earned $200 in July for mowing lawns. His expenses were $42. What percent of his earnings were the expenses?
What is $21
Helena will save 10% of her tip money each day. If she made $25 in tips, how much should she save?
What is $2.50
Carmen found a stereo which regularly sells for $200. It was discounted by 42%. How much was the discount?
What is $84
A book price changed from $25.00 to $20.00. What was the percent of change?
What is 20%
What is -5.
Last year there were 140 students taking algebra. This represents 14% of the students. How many students are there?
What is 1000 students
The tax on $140 item is $14. What percent of the cost is the tax?
What is 10%
Mr. Wilson got 20% of the cost off a new television. If he got $90 off, what was the cost of the new television?
What is $450
A students grade decreased from 80 to 60. What is the percent of change?
What is 25%
What is -26
45% of the freshmen said that they watched more than four hours of television each day. If the freshman class has 900 students, how many watch more than four hours of TV?
What is 405 students
Melanie will have to pay 20% of the money she earns to income tax and other deductions. If she earns $90, how much of this must she pay for income tax and other deductions?
What is $18.00
A sweater that cost $32.00 is on sale for 15% off. What is the amount of the discount for the sweater?
What is $4.80
A price of a bike increased from $120 to $160. What was the percent increase?
What is 33.3%
Jonathan has a bag of marbles that contains 6 purple marbles, 2 blue marbles, 8 green marbles, and 4 orange marbles. What is the probability that he will draw a green marble, put it back, and then not draw a purple marble?
What is 7/16
Last week Matt sold 42 magazines. This week he sold 168 magazines. What percent of 42 is 168?
What is 400
Mr. Bucher went out to eat and spent $ 23.00 on his meal. He wants to leave a 15% tip. What is the amount of the tip he will leave?
What is $3.45
THIS IS A DAILY DOUBLE!! PLACE A WAGER BEFORE YOU ANSWER. Mr. Smith is purchasing a new computer. The cost of the computer is $ 525.00. He has a coupon for 20% off. How much will he save?
What is $105
Your grade in math changed from a 60 to a 90 after you started doing your homework. What is the percent increase?
What is 50%
What is the unit price if 6 pounds of meat costs $11.88?
What is $1.98
In the park, there are 168 trees. 42 of the trees are elm trees. What percent of the trees in the park are elm trees?
What is 25%
Ms. Mercer spent $ 18.50 at Chili’s. She wants to leave a 20% tip. What is the amount of money Ms. Mercer will spend in total?
What is $22.20
Fairview Junior High has hoodies on sale for 15% off the original amount. If the original amount is $25.00, how much can you save?
What is $3.75
The boys basketball team scored 50 points last game and 80 this game. What is the percent of increase in the points?
What is 60%
3x + -6 = -3
What is x=1