The main three characters of the story.
Who is Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Grover?
"You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepfather smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence of any demigod."
Who is Grover?
can be hurt easily
What is vulnerable?
The god of the sea
Who is Poseidon?
The reason the pearls were given to Percy.
What is to provide a way out of the Underworld?
The creature Grover is.
What is a satyr?
"You will fail to save what matters most, in the end."
The Oracle at Delphi
loss of hope
What is despair?
A creature who is half man and half bull.
Who is the Minotaur?
The significance of the summer solstice is important for this reason.
What is the deadline for returned Zeus's bolt?
The "person" Percy run into in the Arch.
Who is Echidna?
"I used to be a rich god, Percy Jackson. I control all the precious metals under the earth. But my expenses!"
Who is Hades?
flipping over in the water
What is capsizing?
The god of the wilderness.
Who is Pan?
The entrance to the Underworld is located in this city.
What is Los Angeles?
The person in charge of Camp Half-Blood.
Who is Mr. D or Dionysus?
"You must go to Santa Monica"
Who is the Nereid in the Mississippi River?
a group of people who agree to join together for a purpose
What is an alliance?
The name of Hades's three-headed dog.
Who is Cerberus?
The character represented by Aunty Em.
Who is Medusa?
The person stuck in the Underworld with Hades.
Who is Persephone?
"Even stength must bow to wisdom sometimes."
Who is Annabeth?
twisted out of shape
gnarled OR distorted
The goddess that turned Medusa into a monster.
Who is Athena?
What is his sword, Riptide?